Eating Healthily in Bournemouth

Hi! I am JC and I’m from Canada, currently doing my Masters in Maritime Archaeology at Bournemouth University. Depending on where you’re from, you may find that the food here is often very bland. This doesn’t mean it’s like this at every restaurant. If you go to Italian, Indian or Asian restaurants the food is… Read more » about Eating Healthily in Bournemouth

Eating, Cooking and Planning your Meals

Hello! I am Jaime from Colorado and on the MLit (Hons) English Programme here at BU. I have found out that eating out can be quite expensive in the UK! Fortunately, it is much cheaper to buy your own groceries and you can save a lot of money by cooking for yourself, which is a… Read more » about Eating, Cooking and Planning your Meals

What my Room in Corfe House Contains

Hi! My name is JC and I’m a Canadian currently doing my Masters in Maritime Archaeology at Bournemouth University. Before I came to England, I wasn’t sure what I would find in my flat. I had ideas from what I found online, but that was about it. I am currently living on the seventh floor… Read more » about What my Room in Corfe House Contains

#MyPlacementStory: Mr Lee’s Noodles

BA Events Management student Micah Douglas and MA Digital Effects student Charles Cai are currently on placement at Bournemouth-based company Mr Lee’s Noodles. Watch their #MyPlacementStory to hear more from the students – and Mr Lee himself – about their placement experience.

What to Pack and What to Buy

When it was time to start packing for Bournemouth, I started off pretty conservatively…and then inevitably tried to fit everything I owned into my suitcase twenty minutes before leaving for the airport in a panic. While it’s certainly tempting to bring as much of home with you when going off to uni, especially when it… Read more » about What to Pack and What to Buy

International Orientation Week

Hello! I am Jaime from Colorado and on the MLit (Hons) English Programme here at BU. Studying overseas can be both an exciting, yet scary adventure! One of the highlights of Bournemouth University is their dedication to student satisfaction. Through its Week One activities calendar and its International Orientation schedule, BU strives to make all… Read more » about International Orientation Week

Orientation Week

Hi guys, my name is JC and I’m currently doing my Masters in Maritime Archaeology at BU. When it came to leaving Canada for England, I chose to leave earlier, to arrive a few days before it was time to move into my flat. I saw this as a way to get my bearings in… Read more » about Orientation Week

British Conference of Undergraduate Research 2017

The British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR) celebrates undergraduate research from across all disciplines. Each year a different British university plays host to the conference, welcoming undergraduates from all over the country as they present papers, posters, workshops and performances. In 2017, BCUR will be coming to Bournemouth University (BU). This prestigious annual conference will… Read more » about British Conference of Undergraduate Research 2017