Produced by Guest blogger
This is a guest blog/quiz made by current student and blogger Alice.
Lets get started… What kind of arrivals student are you?
Question 1:
It’s time to pack for the start of your very first term and you are….
A- Too nervous to pack!
B- Pack? I haven’t even bought the essentials yet, arghhh!
C- I want to make the most out of summer, packing can wait!
D- *picks up checklist* *checks things for the 100th time*

Question 2:
Time to drive to Bournemouth and you are…
A- Listening to music to distract yourself from the butterflies
B- Running late! Are we going to get there in time?
C- Getting ready for a snooze in the car
D- Setting up the navigation and re-reading BU’s emails

Question 3:
You’ve arrived and you’re in your room. You decide to…
A- Hide under the covers!
B- Still unpacking!
C- Have a walk around and see what’s going on
d- Practice how you’re going to greet your flatmates

Question 4:
It’s dinner time and you…
A- Are not hungry!
B- Have no idea what/how to cook
C- Grab the pot noodles!
D-Start prepping one of your ‘uni meals’ from your list

Question 5:
It’s getting late…
A- Let’s finish this day… bed time!
B- Netflix and chill or go out?
C- YOLO let’s go out!
D- Early night tonight, big day tomorrow!

Question 6:
It’s your first day at uni and…
A- The nerves are strongggg
B- You have no idea where you’re going
C- You follow the crowd, one of them is bound to know where to go!
D- Your weeks of studying the campus map will finally pay off!

Question 7:
Your lecture finishes so you…
A- Almost run back to your room
B- Start a conversation with your course mates around you
C- Explore the campus
D- Find where your next lecture is

Question 8:
It’s time to head back to your accommodation…
A- You’re worried about having to talk to your flatmates
B- Time to tackle the bus timetable!
C- Going back to get changed and then back out again!
D- You stop off at the shop to get the ingredients for you next meal

Question 9:
Your flatmates decide to have a night out…
A- You’d rather have a night in
B- Flat party or club though?
C- Already started pre-drinking
D- *Refers to list of clubs you want to go to*

Question 10:
You’re bored so you…
A- Decide to Skype your family
B- Spend hours trying to choose something to watch on Netflix
C- No I’m not! Got too many plans
D- *Plans schedule for the next two weeks*

Mostly A’s
You’re a bit of a worrier! But who blames you? Uni is a scary jump from school/college or wherever you have been before. Adjusting to a new area, new people and new routines will take time so don’t worry if you feel a bit wobbly for a while! There is plenty of support around you if you ever need someone to talk to. The trick is to keep yourself busy! Why not explore the area with your flatmates/friends or plan what you’re going to do the next time you have a day off. How about joining a society? There’s plenty to choose from and some are super relaxed! Check out some of these chilled societies below:
Baking, ASMR, Art, Cocktail and Mocktail, Coffee, Disney, Gamers, Harry Potter
Mostly B’s
You always feel like you’re behind in the game and you feel a bit stressed about the whole uni process. It’s ok! There is a lot that going on leading up to and during your first few weeks at uni and it’s difficult to stay on top of things. Try writing a list to make you feel more organised and take time for yourself so that you feel ready for this new beginning. All the things you need to know about the start of term can be found here. Check out some of these societies:
Archery, Athletics, Beach bay runners, Photography, Podcast, Sip n Sketch, Swimming
Mostly C’s
You’re pretty chilled about starting uni and that’s great! There’s nothing to worry about! Perhaps do a bit of research of the campus and your course so that you can figure things out without having to ask others, you might find yourself on your own at one point and it will be really useful to know where you’re going! You can always take a virtual tour. These societies may suit you:
Airsoft, Cartoon Network, Cheerleading, Clay Pigeon shooting, Climbing club, Design, DJ MC & Producer society
Mostly D’s
You are very well organised and seem to have been preparing for uni for a while! You want to learn new things and be ahead of the game so that you get the most out of your uni experience. Don’t forget to chill sometimes though! See if any of these societies would be of interest to you:
British Sign Language Network, Equestrian, first aid society, Meditation network, Nutrition Society
Check out the full list of societies