Sujata Produced by
from India


MA Media and Communication

Hi everyone! I am Sujata from India and I am studying MA Media and Communication. In this blog, I am going to talk about my favourite assignment during my postgraduate degree.

The Communicating Ideas unit was my favourite part of my course. It was a very practical and I got a chance to learn a lot of new skills, make new friends, and discover new things that I didn’t know before.

Task to present already existing research

In this assignment, we were asked to choose a piece of research from the Bournemouth University Research blog, which holds lots of research by BU faculties and students, study it and then present that research to an audience through the medium of our choosing. This could be a blog, website, video, documentary, podcast, poster or anything creative that we could think of.

A group assignment

For this task, we were asked to split up into groups of two or three, so I paired up with my friend from China. It was a great project, because it helped us to learn valuable teamwork skills and group coordination. While working on the project, we realised that despite being good friends, our ways of working are so different. There were some aspects of the assignment which I was good at and there were some on which she was amazing, so part of the task became dividing the work according to our strengths and weaknesses.


I learnt how to use Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Audition. I realised that I was good at the communication side and planning, whereas my friend was amazing at editing.


We chose a psychology topic for our project. We did content analysis, interviewed renowned psychologists working at Bournemouth University who did this research, interviewed four students from different nationalities to get their thoughts on the topic, and we presented our findings and the overall research through the medium of a video and a poster. The professor also said that if he likes the video he would use it on his website, which is really great.

I made the plan, wrote content for the video, did narration and voiceover and also helped my friend shoot the video. It was such a fun experience doing this project; I really enjoyed it and at the end we got an amazing grade and feedback from our lecturer.

It is always a good idea to put 100% effort into your projects and learn new things. University projects will always hold a special place in your heart no matter what you do in the future. You will always remember your favourite projects, learning new skills, and the time you spent in university.