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BA (Hons) Economics

It’s quite a broad question which can be answered in detail or with one simple figure. That one figure being £30. The detailed answer is more complex and so I have written this post specifically for Bournemouth and its students.  So here are my four points to consider when budgeting for a night out:

  1. Travel costs? (£0-£20)

This is something that will boost your cost of going out a hell of a lot if it is something you need to consider. Those who live in halls, excluding Poole and Winton halls, have it extremely lucky as the student club (The Old Firestation) is quite literally across the road and the other clubs are a short walk away. For students less lucky, like myself, that live in accommodation such as Unilets or halls further away, the taxi company will become set on your phone’s speed dial pad. For me, the taxi costs around £13 and that’s including a walk from the club back to the halls. It is our way of saving a little bit every night. So, my advice is if you want to save money try and stay at a friend’s room in halls (a lot of them have double beds) or consider taxi sharing with your flat mates. Luckily, the number of the taxi company in Bournemouth (United Taxis) is dead easy to remember, even if your memory is skewed for some random reason…

  1. What type of drinker are you? (£10-£40)

Some peoples’ taste buds are very expensive, others not so much. I will never forget the first time I saw someone drinking wine at a party, very bazar but nevertheless is totally fine. For me I tend to have lemonade with a spirit because you can easily split the cost of the drink with your friends without having to drink the entire bottle in one night by yourself. However, if you are classier than me go ahead and pour the chardonnay.

  1. Are you even drinking?

So I have been talking a lot about the cost of alcohol, and yes this is the biggest cost of going out. However, some nights, especially around exam periods and after freshers’ week you will want to have more relaxed nights with your friends. It is also the perfect opportunity to really bond with them. I highly suggest movie nights, whether this is at the cinema or in someone’s flat, both just as fun. Around Christmas my friends and I went ice skating and during the summer we had BBQs on the beach. The beach here is one of the best parts of Bournemouth and everyone loves it, you are bound to spend a lot of time down there.

  1. Where are you going? Choose wisely!

I once went clubbing on a Saturday. BIG MISTAKE! What I didn’t realise was that the other nights that I was clubbing were actually full on student nights and so everyone was around the same age, liked similar music and was going through similar experiences. On a Saturday the price for drinks triples, there are hen and stag dos and the dress code goes from, well let’s say, flats to stilettos. We looked very out of place to say the least.

On the other hand, if you play it right you can get away with wearing smart casual clothing and pay £1 for a drink on student nights. The best student nights for first year students are either The Old Firestation on a Friday or Cameo on a Wednesday. Also, another way to save money is to get on the club’s guest list before arriving – you can do this via Facebook or arrive before 11 as the tickets are usually a little cheaper and the queues are non-existent.

By Katrina Eastwood

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