I remember how important the accommodation process was for me when applying to Bournemouth University back in 2014, and there were lots of factors I had to take into account in order to make sure the accommodation I chose was suitable for me and my course. Studying Adult Nursing meant I had to take into account that I would need a longer tenancy that would last through the summer due to placement, while most accommodation lets ended at the end of June.

My room in first year.
An important thing to remember about first year accommodation is that it is very unlikely that you’ll know the people you are moving in with, but all of you will be in the same position and not know the people you are living with. Some people have better experiences than others with the people they live with in halls, I was very lucky and got along really well with all 5 of my flatmates and moved into a house with 4 of them for second year! But if you don’t click as a group or find you have differences between you, in second and third year you’re able to find accommodation with people you want to live with.
I chose Chesil House as my halls for first year, and I have no regrets about it. Halls are great because they feel safe and secure if it’s the first time you’ve lived away from home, like it was for me, but halls aren’t for everyone and it’s not the end of the world if you don’t get into halls for first year! There were people on my course who went straight into house shares or in hospital accommodation rather than halls, but I chose halls for the experience in first year of being with other students.
There are halls and Unilet houses which are managed by Bournemouth University, but there are also halls managed by private companies and private rent houses available for first years, which you can find out about on the BU website. Chesil House was managed by Campus Living Villages in partnership with BU, and there are other halls such as Lansdowne Point and Lulworth House which offer accommodation to students. Private rented houses are also available and many students even in first year opt for private rented accommodation, as houses can seem more homely than halls, and also are great for those who aren’t going to university for the partying experience but instead want to focus on their work life. This way, you can also sort out your accommodation a bit further in advance.
The most important thing to consider when you are moving into accommodation is ensuring you have considered the location, cost and atmosphere of where you move into. Even if halls are your first choice and you are unsuccessful, it’s not the end of the world and many students still have an amazing first year being in houses as opposed to halls. If you were hoping to get into halls and you are unsuccessful, don’t let this dampen your spirit and make the most of where you live, make your accommodation personal and your own!
By Beth Cordon