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There’s more to being a Student Ambassador than wearing a pink hoodie!
I didn’t set out at the start of my MA year to become a Student Ambassador – in fact, I’d seen the pink hoodies around campus, but I was never quite sure what a Student Ambassador actually did.
As someone who has always wanted to be a blogger – but never had the discipline to actually run my own – I was delighted when BU emailed me and asked me to be a Student Ambassador postgraduate blogger. “At long last”, I proclaimed, “a chance for me to have a voice on the internets!”
It was great to be able to write down some thoughts and tips that had come to me throughout my experience of the BA and the MA, most of which I had never really articulated or put into words until writing the blog. In fact, giving advice to future PG students made me reflect upon why I chose to go back to uni, and helped me to realise ways that I could improve upon my own studies and lifestyle while studying.
There is more to being a Student Ambassador than just blogging – you can work regular shifts answering questions and queries about the university on social media and online forums, make advice vlogs on YouTube dishing out audio-visual delights, and represent the university at events such as Open Days, and in general while on campus.

Being a Student Ambassador has given me a feeling of being more involved with the university, which is something I set out to do when I returned for the MA. It has been great meeting some of the lovely staff in the marketing department of the university when I turn up for a shift, and I feel much more a part of the uni than I did before.
I’m also really proud to be able to look back on the past year and see everything I have done – both academically and as a part of the ambassador team. My long list of blogs, as well as the new vlogs and social media will be a good addition to my CV.
On a more practical note, it’s also a flexible and creative way of earning money to help pay the bills during your studies.
Plus, y’know, free pink hoodie. Need I say more?!
By Alice White