Dr Miguel Moital

Miguel Moital is a Senior Lecturer in Events Management in the School of Tourism. Miguel has completed his BA in Tour Operating Management and PG Dip in Tourism Management in Portugal, where he also worked in higher education for 10 years before he joined BU. Miguel currently lectures on the BA Events Management, BA Leisure Marketing and MSc Events Management.
Miguel’s interest in researching technology-related themes begun with his PhD, which focused on the adoption of e-commerce in the purchasing of leisure travel by consumers. The PhD was sponsored by the Portuguese Tourism Board. His areas of research focus mainly on consumer behavior & experience applied to tourism, events and leisure. Within this area, he maintains an ongoing interest in the diffusion and adoption of innovative behaviours, technology related or otherwise. He has recently supervised a PhD on the determinants of technology adoption for travel retailers, which emphasised the strategic management implications and leadership imperatives for owner-managers of such firms.
Miguel’s ongoing research projects include a study of satisfaction at blogger events and a review of consumer behavior research in tourism. His most recent project, supported by a Santander research grant, focuses on the study of the barriers to, and facilitators for the internationalization of Brazilian tourism researchers. This follows from his strong link to the Brazilian tourism academia. He has been a keynote speaker at the annual conference of Brazilian tourism Research and Post-Graduate Study (ANPTUR) twice.
He has published in a number of journals, including Tourism Management, the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, The Service Industries Journal, Tourism & Hospitality Planning and Development, the International Journal of Tourism Police, Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo (Argentina) and Turismo Visão e Ação (Brazil). He has also presented more than 20 papers in international conferences.
Miguel is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy and since his completion of the PGCert in Academic Practice (BU, 2007), Miguel has introduced a number of innovations in his teaching practice. Two of these were the basis for the BU Award for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning (Client-based assessment and writing student feedback using bank of comments).
In his free time, Miguel loves to dance salsa. He has attended events in London and even travelled to Tuscany on a salsa holiday.