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BA (Hons) English

Whether you’re the first son/daughter to leave, or the second or third, each time will be difficult for your parents, so here’s a few things to do together to make the transition easier!

Visiting the University together

Bournemouth has lots of Open Days and applicant days leading up to when you finally move here! It is beneficial to visit these with one or both of your parents. My mum has said this helps both your parents and future student “to adjust to change” as well as highlight “different perspectives” of the universities you have visited (it’s always good to get a second opinion not only on the actual university, but the accommodation, course, and location too!)


Buying uni supplies

You are going to need quite a few different supplies for uni, and who’s better to go with but your parents! Not only can they help you think of things you may not have thought of (like laundry tablets or a first aid kit) but they might possibly assist at the checkout..!! Me and my parents visited Ikea, where a lot of students go, to buy quite a lot of my supplies. However, some of the designs I didn’t like so around August time (when a lot of supermarkets seem to stock up with uni supplies) I was able to find designs I preferred, like plates.


Move in day

My 1st year room!

Let your parents help! It’s an overwhelming day. You’re stuck between wanting to rely on your parents, whilst also craving the independence. Having them there will help relieve any stress, because all they want to do is to help you get settled, make your room homely and make sure you’re comfortable! Letting them be in your flat during move in day, will also give your parents a sense of visual adjustment as to where you’ll be living, my mum said, hopefully making it easier. This time will go so quickly, so enjoy it, because soon enough you will be waving goodbye and you will then have to be independent!


Keep contact

Keeping your parents in the loop in the lead up to you moving out is just as important as when you’ve moved out (you never know when you’ll need their help!). What I’ve found the best is Skype or Facetime, and my parents agree. My mum said the time away from me doesn’t seem as long because she has seen my face (on Skype or Facetime), and it’s generally a great way of communicating long distance. If you can’t use either of them, a text or phone call now and again should suffice and just let your parents know you are still well!

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