Sooksiri Sriputtha did her placement experience at the Sailmaker pub and restaurant, own by Marston’s Inns and Taverns.

Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality student Sooksiri Sriputtha did her placement experience at the Sailmaker pub and restaurant, own by Marston’s Inns and Taverns.


The ‘Sailmaker’ is a pub and restaurant  owned by Marston’s Inns and Taverns. Marston’s Inns and Taverns have been running pubs and brewing beer in one form or another over for 180 years and have pubs that are traditional locals, family pub restaurants and fashionable town center bars.  Marston’s Inns and Taverns operate five breweries producing over 60 of the country’s best loved ales at sites in: Burton on Trent (Marston’s), Oxfordshire (Wychwood & Brakspear), Cumbria (Jennings), Hampshire (Ringwood) and the West Midlands (Banks’s). My role position at the sailmaker is now supervisor.

I first started work at the ‘Sailmaker’ as front of house staff in February 2015 by applying straightaway to the company website. Due to the type of my student visa I was allowed to work only 20 hours a week. However, since my general manager knew about the course I was studying on, he offered me a supervisor position for my placement unit and put me through a training programme. As I am  still working with the ‘ Sailmaker ‘ my future plan in the company is to move on as ‘ assistant manager position’ to gain more experience in this industry ( as I had never worked in this industry before because my BA was in information science).

I then wish within 3-5 years to gain more experience and to be ready to step up to be ‘general manager’ still working in the hospitality industry. I would never have made this plan if I hadn’t chosen to do the placement. The placement helped me to get to know myself better in terms of what I want from my career by giving me real work experience in another country. Moreover, it taught me so much not only about work but also about people. I learned to get along with people from  a different background from me, which is a vital skill in hospitality. Thank you Bournemouth University for a great experience.


Kabi Zewu a Bournemouth University MSc in International Hospitality and Tourism Management student is working at the London Marriott Hotel West India Quay

Kabi Zewu in a Bournemouth University Master of Science (MSc), International Hospitality and Tourism Management 2014 – 2016 student is working at the London Marriott Hotel West India Quay 

kabiI have been working in London Marriott Hotel West India Quay since last year May. is a five star hotels located in Canary Wharf.  Because of its location, the hotel is always busy with business travellers and tourists.  I started out as Food and Beverage Inter/associate, and after my internship finished in this year Mach I was offered a part time contract for the same position in the company. During my placement, I spent most of the time in the hotel restaurant Manhattan Grill. In the morning Manhattan Grill works as a normal hotel restaurant providing buffet breakfast for in-house guest. However, for lunch and dinner it serves as an American steak house. My role as a afternoon/evening staff in the restaurant is to serve and take care of customers, make recommendations on food and drinks. The hotel management put a lot of effort in staff training. We have daily 15 mins trainings before service; sometimes we even go visiting  breweries or gin distilleries. The wine suppliers for the hotel come in to give us specific wine training whenever we start selling new wines. I have gained so much knowledge on wine, liquor, cocktails, food and wine pairing, food hygienic, food allergy, sequence of service, allergy and so much more that is food and drinks related or just other general hospitality knowledge. Apart from working in the restaurant, I had to help out in the bar or room service from time to time, therefore it gave me the opportunity to have a rounder understand of how the Food and Beverage department works in real life.

mariottAt the moment, I’m working part time in the restaurant but I’m also given the opportunity to cross train in the Sales and Marketing Department, which is the area I really want to work in when I graduate. I developed a lot personally and professionally during my placement year. I was very shy and almost had no working experience at all in this area when I first came to the company. But now I am more confident, more open and sociable. I have a better skills in time management. Over time, I’ve learned how have a good balance among my personal life, uni work and professional work. Although Food and Beverage area is not my first option to work in, I do find it as the soul of the hotel business along with the Front Office/ Room Department. I’m glad that I started off as a restaurant server, and I get to really understand and put it into actions of the concept of  hospitality is all about making customer satisfied.

marriott-international_416x416Marriott is a multicultural  and international company and my hotel is a great place to work for, I really like its philosophy  toward the staff and customers. I have been given so much opportunities to grow professionally, and the trainings are all very beneficial. I believe that having the experience of working in a five star Marriott hotel in London will open many doors for me in the future for my career. I have so many colleagues that are able to move from department to department, or country to country within the company. I have made so many friends and connections in the hotel/industry, I’m sure it will be very helpful for my future career in many ways.


BREXIT and the impact on tourism, travel and hospitality industry @ Bournemouth University

BREXIT and the impact on tourism, travel and hospitality industry – discussion and workshop 
Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality 
Thursday 30th June 14:00-16:30 Talbot Campus BH12 5BB

Brexit Tourism copy

Now that BREXIT is a reality we need to explore the impacts on tourism, travel and hospitality and to discuss the implications for the next day.

The Department of Tourism and Hospitality Bournemouth University will host a workshop, bringing together academics and industry colleagues to discuss the implications of the recent Brexit vote. The workshop will encourage discussion and engage participants in cocreating the way forward given the implications of this historic development. We will invite industry colleagues as well as several European academics to also contribute their perspective.

We will exchange ideas on how to prepare the tourism and hospitality industry for the new era that is emerging in European Tourism in the two years of negotiations among the remaining EU Member States to agree the terms to be offered for a continued trading relationship with the UK.

The ABTA – DELOITTE Report provides a comprehensive background for the workshop

We are inviting all possible contributors to join us for a discussion on the impacts of BREXIT on tourism, travel and hospitality.

© indicates confirmed participant

Co-chaired  © Professor Dimitrios Buhalis and © Dr Neelu Seetaram

Invited Contributors

Professor John Fletcher
Professor Adam Blake
Professor Steve Page
Dr Giampaolo Viglia
Dr Marta Disegna
Steve Calver
Dr Shuang Cang
Professor Keith Wilkes
Professor Roger Vaughan
Professor Lee Miles
Derek Robbins
Dr Miguel Moital Prof Marta Laguna García, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain 

A number of Industry contributors invited also and will be announced shortly 

FREE EVENT –  EVERYBODY INVITED ALL WELCOME – Please invite relevant colleagues 

For more information contact

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis
Head of Department of Tourism and Hospitality
Bournemouth University
dbuhalis @

ABTA statement on Brexit and questions for holidaymakers


ABTA statement on Brexit and questions for holidaymakers
Following today’s earlier ABTA Today Special, please see our statement and Q&As below which will help you to answer any questions that your customers may have at this time. You can also direct them to ABTA’s Brexit Q&As via the link below.


ABTA statement

The result of yesterday’s referendum on the UK’s future relationship with the European Union has been announced, and the British people have voted to leave the EU.

The Prime Minister has stated that there will be no initial change in the way people travel. Travellers are as free to move between the UK and the EU as they were yesterday, European Health Insurance cards remain valid and regulations such as Air Passenger Rights remain in place. People due to travel this summer will see little changes to their holiday. Once the UK formally notifies the EU of its intention to leave, the remaining Member States will have up to two years to offer the UK a deal for a future trading relationship and during this period holidaymakers will not see any immediate changes.

However, the fall in value of the pound will have an immediate impact on holidaymakers and their spending power overseas.


How will Brexit affect my holiday?
Until the UK officially leaves the EU, not sooner than two years’ time, there will be no changes to holiday arrangements. Travellers are as free to move between the UK and the EU as they were before the vote, European Health Insurance cards remain valid and regulations such as Air Passenger Rights remain in place.

I’m going to Europe this summer, is my passport still valid?
Yes. Until the UK officially leaves the EU, not sooner than two years’ time, there will be no changes to passports.

I’ve booked a holiday for next year – do I need to do anything?
No. Until the UK officially leaves the EU, not sooner than two years’ time, there will be no changes to holiday arrangements.

Do I need to get a new passport?
No. Until the UK officially leaves the EU, not sooner than two years’ time, there will be no change to passport arrangements.

Which queue will I go into at the airport – EU passports or all others?
The same queue as you did before the vote. Until the UK officially leaves the EU, not sooner than two years’ time, there will no change to passport arrangements.

Do I need a visa to go to Spain?
No. Until the UK officially leaves the EU, not sooner than two years’ time, there will be no change to passport arrangements.

What about my European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)?
You can still use your EHIC card abroad. There will be no immediate changes to using your EHIC card abroad. Arrangements between the UK and other EU countries will have to be reached once the UK officially leaves the EU.

Can I still get compensation if my flight is delayed or cancelled?
Yes. There will be no immediate changes to claiming compensation if your flight is delayed or cancelled. The UK Government will need to implement a new law on compensation for flight delays and compensation after we leave the EU.

What about duty free? Can I still bring goods home?
You can still bring home unlimited goods until we officially leave the EU. The free movement of goods will be part of a negotiated settlement with the EU.

What about using my mobile phone abroad? Will roaming charges increase?
There will be no immediate changes to using your phone abroad, and there won’t be an immediate impact on charges. The UK Government will need to implement a new law on roaming charges after we leave the EU, otherwise the service providers will be free to set roaming charges.

Can I still take money out from cashpoints abroad?
Yes, you can continue to take out cash, as normal.

Will it be more expensive to go on holiday abroad?
Not necessarily. If you are travelling abroad and you have already paid for all of your travel arrangements, as part of a package holiday for example, then you will be protected to a large degree from a drop in the value of the pound. However, your spending power while abroad will be impacted in the event of a weaker pound, making it more expensive to buy things like meals and drinks.

What does this mean for the price of my holiday abroad?
If you are travelling abroad and you have already paid for all of your travel arrangements, as part of a package holiday for example, then you will be protected to a large degree from a drop in the value of the pound. People paying for overseas accommodation in other currencies (e.g. in euros or dollars) can expect to pay more in the event of a weaker pound.

Will the cost of flights increase?
A weaker pound may impact the cost of flights in the short term, in the longer term the UK Government will seek to negotiate full access to the EU’s common aviation market, which has delivered the open skies arrangements we have today.

My travel company has asked me to pay more for my holiday due to the currency fluctuations. Is that ok?
Check the terms and conditions of the organiser that you’ve booked with. If you’ve booked a package holiday this is covered by certain rules: the maximum surcharge by law is up to 10% of the original cost of the holiday. If you haven’t booked a package, you should check the terms and conditions of your travel arrangement.
ABTA Ltd, 30 Park Street, London SE1 9EQ
T: +44 (0)20 3117 0500 | F: +44 (0)20 3117 0581 | E: |

Join the Festival of Learning 2016 Bournemouth University 25-29 June 2016


Saturday 25 June

11:00 – 5:00: FG06, Talbot Campus- Global BU: Bournemouth and Beyond- H. Osman Bookings: 

Tuesday 28th June 
09:00–13:00 SHARE LT FG02: eTourism: harnessing technology to increase competitiveness Dimitrios Buhalis Bookings:
14:00-18:00 SHARE LT FG02 Accessible tourism: a benefit to everyone Dimitrios Buhalis Bookings:
14:00-15:00 F104 FoodSMART – Eat out smarter! The FoodSMART team Heather Heartwell Bookings:
18:00-20:00 F101 : The Mad Hatter’s cream tea: food heritage, tradition and authenticity and back to Alice.  Sean Beer Bookings:

Wednesday 29 June

18.30-20.00 FG01 : The definitive guide to post modernism. Sean Beer Bookings:
18:00-20:00 Barnes Lecture Theatre: Should we still switch off our phones on holidays? B. Neuhofer and A. Ladkin Bookings:

Bournemouth University research on hospitality digital competence to be presented at the British Hospitality Association summit

Prof Dimitrios Buhalis, Dr Philip Alford,and Anuschka Heid will present the research on hospitality digital competence that the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Bournemouth University has undertaken in collaboration with the British Hospitality Association, Tripadvisor and the Bournemouth Accommodation and Hotel Association at the British Hospitality Association Summit in London on Monday 27th June. Professor Buhalis will also contribute to the Connected.customers – owning and nurturing relationships panel later on the programme whilst Simon Thomas will join us to discuss employability with industry representatives.

Meet the Bournemouth University team at the British Hospitality Association Summit in London on Monday 27th June. The Summit is dedicated to and it gives us the opportunity to inform the world of the wonderful knowledge cocreation we do at Bournemouth University.

Breakfast Roundtable: Expanding Aviation Capacity

A round table discussion with Gatwick Airport on the expansion of aviation capacity in the South East and the next steps for government and industry.

Charles Kirwan-Taylor Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Director, Gatwick Airport

Breakfast round table: Diversity matters

A round table discussion discussing diversity in the workplace – in terms of age, race, background, gender, sexuality and disability – and its importance to the success of every business.

Dr Stroma Cole Director, Equality in Tourism
Katie Benson General Manager, Jumeirah Carlton Tower
Serena von der Heyde Partner, Georgian House

Breakfast Roundtable: Going native in a digital world – a case study

A round table discussion about a BHA initiative with TripAdvisor in which a group of digital natives – Bournemouth University students – have been helping local hotels use social media to boost their profile and promote their business.

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis Head of Department Tourism & Hospitality, Bournemouth University
Helena Egan Director of Industry Relations, TripAdvisor
Anuschka Heid Postgraduate student, MSc in Tourism Marketing, Bournemouth University
Andy Woodland Chairman, Bournemouth Hoteliers Association

Breakfast Roundtable: Tourism is for Everybody

A discussion to help the travel and tourism industry better understand and cater for the 12 million plus people in Britain who are disabled in some way.

Chris Veitch Accessible Tourism Consultant
Alistair Hignell

Breakfast Roundtable: Portfolios to be proud of

 Max Thorne Managing Director, JLL

Connected for success

Introduction and welcome: how being connected can help our industry thrive

Jonathan Worsley Chairman, Bench Events & Board Director, STR
Ufi Ibrahim Chief Executive, British Hospitality Association
Tony Matharu Managing Director, Grange Hotels

Connecting the industry

Nick Varney Chief Executive Officer, Merlin Entertainments plc; Chairman, British Hospitality Association
Chaired by: Ian King Business Presenter, Sky News

I stand connected

Chief Executive of Manchester City Council, Sir Howard Bernstein, on how putting the city before politics – and forging connections with businesses – enabled Manchester to become a thriving and influential city and a champion of hospitality and tourism.

Sir Howard Bernstein Chief Executive, Manchester City Council
Chaired by: Christopher Rodrigues CBE Chairman, VisitBritain

Connected to Europe: the economy post-referendum

Four days after the EU referendum, a discussion about the outcome of the referendum and what it will mean for the hospitality and tourism industry.

Dr Andrew Sentance CBE Senior Economic Adviser, PwC
Chaired by: Dermot King Managing Director, Butlins & Chairman of BHA’s Cut Tourism VAT Campaign

Connected.employees: the national employment conundrum

Keynote Address

Sir David Norgrove  Chairman, Low Pay Commission
Followed by a discussion on the National Living Wage, Apprenticeship Levy, employment policy and how it affects the hospitality and tourism industry.
Chaired by: Alastair Storey
Chairman and Chief Executive, Westbury Street Holdings (WSH)
Andrew Evans Proprietor, St Brides Spa Hotel Saundersfoot
Ranjit Mathrani Chairman & Co-Owner, MW Eat
Sir David Norgrove  Chairman, Low Pay Commission
Andrew Selley Chief Executive, Bidvest Foodservice
Simon Trussler Head of Fiscal & Government Affairs, Economics & Regulation, KPMG LLP


A discussioni on the ‘big fault lines of disruption in the global travel industry’. These fault lines could manifest themselves in the form of old versus new, consumer versus business, east versus west, left versus right, and many other such clashes. The panelists will discuss the juxtaposition presented by these central conflicts and consider the positive opportunities for disruption in the industry and possibilities to capitalise on these conflicts.


Chaired by: Rafat Ali CEO & Founder, Skift


Greg Marsh Chief Executive Officer, onefinestay
James Osmond General Manager EMEA, Triptease
Eric Partaker Co-Founder & Co-CEO, Chilango
Paul Simpson Chief Executive Officer, CDP

Welcoming the World

A programme for the British Hospitality Association made in partnership with ITN Productions


Simon Shelley Head of Industry News, ITN Productions



Ken Skates AM Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure, Welsh Government

Introduced by: Manon Antoniazzi Director, Tourism, Heritage and Sport, Welsh Government


The Rt Hon John Whittingdale OBE MP Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, DCMS


Fiona Hyslop MSP Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs, Scottish Government
Introduced by: Calum Ross Chairman BHA Scotland, Director BHA UK, Board member VisitScotland, Proprietor Loch Melfort Hotel – from hotels to restaurants

Panel discussion about ways in which debt, equity and other alternative investment vehicles are changing buyer profiles and capital structures.

Chaired by:

Mark Wynne Smith Global CEO, Hotels & Hospitality, JLL


Philippe Bijaoui Vice President of Development for Europe, IHG
Nadeem Boghani Vice Chairman, Splendid Hospitality Group
Cody Bradshaw SVP, Head of European Hotels, Starwood Capital Group
Charles Kirwan-Taylor Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Director, Gatwick Airport
Mike Saul Managing Director, Hospitality & Leisure, Barclays

Connected.customers – owning and nurturing relationships

Chaired by:

Stephen McCall Chief Operating Officer, Europe, IHG


Lisa Bell Head of EMEA Partner Merchants, Discover Financial Services
Professor Dimitrios Buhalis Head of Department Tourism & Hospitality, Bournemouth University
Helena Egan Director of Industry Relations, TripAdvisor
Varun Kapoor Vice President and Head of Business Intelligence, Global Hospitality Services
Terri Scriven Industry Head of Hospitality, Google UK – the world on your doorstep

Nick Dunn Chief Financial Officer, Gatwick Airport


Chaired by: Ben Twynam Head of Practice UK, Travel, Leisure & Hospitality, Heidrick & Struggles


Ulrik Bengtsson President & CEO, Betsson Group
Alison Dolan Deputy Managing Director, Sky Business
Simon Townsend Chief Executive Officer, Enterprise Inns

Connected.people – what’s next for the Big Hospitality Conversation?

The Big Hospitality Conversation has been at the heart of our industry’s commitment to jobs and growth for several years now. We find out about its successes and achievements, meet the business leaders who have made it one of the most talkedabout BHA initiatives and discuss opportunities to take it to the next level.


Chaired by: George Vezza  Managing Director, Nestlé Professional UK & Ireland


Thomas Dubaere  Managing Director, AccorHotels UK & Ireland
Heiko Figge Head of Hospitality & Leisure, Moorfield Group
Anne Pierce Chief Executive Officer, Springboard

Guest of Honour & Special Keynote

William Hague Baron Hague of Richmond, PC, FRSL

Connected for the future: celebration drinks

Dr Barbara Neuhofer and Professor Adele Ladkin present at the one symposium Beyond Balance their research Going ‘off-grid’: connectivity during leisure travel

Dr Barbara Neuhofer and Professor Adele Ladkin will present their research Going ‘off-grid’: connectivity during leisure travel at the one symposium Beyond Balance in London on Monday 27th June


BEYOND BALANCE: How digital technologies are affecting our work, our homes, and everything in between

 10am-5pm, Mon 27th June 2016, Savoy Place London

Registration has now officially closed, but to enquire about last-minute places, email us. Back to Beyond Balance main page

This event is co-hosted by Communications & IT Policy panels of The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) at their newly refurbished headquarters in Savoy Place, WC2R 0BL. Nearest tube: Embankment.

9:30am Arrival & Registration
10:00am Introductions & Aims of the Day Dr Rosie Robison (Balance Network & Global Sustainability Institute) & IET President Naomi Climer
10:15am Keynote: Work/Life Symbiosis Claire Fox – Global HR Director at Save the Children International and author
11:15am Tea & Coffee Networking and legacy funding information available
11:40am Mobile technologies & business travellers (lecture theatre) Dr Donald Hislop (Loughborough University) & Prof Jonathan Beaverstock (University of Bristol) lead a policy-focused presentation and reflections by business travellers on the experience of mobile work.
11:40am Material desires: design & WLB (interactive session) Paulina Yurman (Goldsmiths, University of London) will run this interactive session describing her workshop Material Desires, using design-led activities to explore themes around the juggling of identities and the home/work divide.
12:20pm Going ‘off-grid’: connectivity during leisure travel (lecture theatre) Dr Barbara Neuhofer & Prof Adele Ladkin (Bournemouth University) lead an interactive session to debate the challenges of ‘switching-off’ when on holiday.
12:20pm E-resilience: what’s the solution? (interactive session) Dr Christine Grant (Coventry University) and Professor Gail Kinman (University of Bedford) from the Switched On Culture Research Group invite discussion following their April conference.
1:00pm Lunch With networking discussions
1:55pm Daily life, digital technologies and energy demand (lecture theatre) Dr Rachel Macrorie (Urban Institute, University of Sheffield) chairs a discussion of the Rhythms, Routines & Relationships working paper series with panel members from academia, policy and business.
1:55pm Reconceptualising work-life boundaries (interactive session) Dr Helen Roby (OU), Prof Gillian Symon (Royal Holloway), Dr Rebecca Whiting (Birkbeck) & Dr Petros Chamakiotis (University of Sussex) screen videos from their interdisciplinary Digital Brain Switch project, followed by discussion.
2:40pm Crowdsourcing: prolonging working life (lecture theatre) Dr Sally-Anne Barnes (University of Warwick) leads this interactive session on how ICT-enabled opportunities, such as crowdsourcing, are allowing older people to extend their working lives.
2:40pm How to life-swap with personal data (interactive session) Dr Rowanne Fleck (University of Birmingham) and Dr Anya Skatova (University of Warwick) run a workshop using data collected prior to and during event. How might personal data swapping help us gain insight into our behaviour?
3:20pm Tea & Coffee Networking and legacy funding information available
3:45pm Keynote: Against Productivity Oliver Burkeman – author of the Guardian’s This Column Will Change Your Life and author
4:45pm Closing remarks Dr David Kirk (Newcastle University & Balance Network)
5:00pm Drinks


Manos Mamalakis, Operations Executive at Tripadvisor

Manos Mamalakis graduated in 2014 and since then has been has been working at Tripadvisor. He is explaining his experience at Bournemouth University. Mamalakis copy

I did the MSc in Tourism Management and Marketing and graduated in 2014. A few months later I joined TripAdvisor for an internship scheme in the partnerships team. A year later I got a full time contract in Partnerships, and currently I have switched to the Key Accounts Sales team as an Operations Executive. My degree gave me a solid overview around the Online Marketing sector in the Tourism Industry. I was involved in more specific case studies that apply even today, and I acquired in-depth knowledge around the industry finance, as well as marketing techniques that big corporations use. The Tourism Management and Marketing has been a great course overall.  I was lucky enough to work with lecturers that were great professionals and amazing personalities. Some of the modules had a bit of a theoretical aspect, but I enjoyed more the ones that apply directly into the Tourism industry.

The BU experience was something unique to me, as I had never come across such educational efficiency and structure. I had the pleasure to meet new interesting people, brilliant classmates, and good friends. My time around the campus was an everyday enjoyment for me. The biggest help during my course was the adjustment into a diverse environment, with people from different backgrounds and cultures. This is something that I experience even today in my work environment. I would advise graduates to be patient during the job hunting. Sometimes it takes lots of time to find a role that you can fit in. Also it is very rare to find the perfect job right after graduating – there are times that you need to work in places that are not so ideal; but go for it, be professional and the universe will sort everything out.

Dr Marta Laguna Dean for Economic Affairs and Facilities in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Law and Communication at the at the University of Valladolid, Segovia, Spain is visiting Bournemouth University

Next week we welcome to Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality  Dr Marta Laguna from the Department of Business and Marketing and Vice Dean for Economic Affairs and Facilities in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Law and Communication at the at the University of Valladolid, Segovia, Spain as part of the Erasmus Training Week. Her research areas are closely connected to Marketing and Tourism: satisfaction, loyalty, e-tourism, consumer behaviour and tourist and event experiences.

The excellent positioning of the University of Bournemouth, its intense and varied research activity and the high satisfaction level of the students made Marta to choose us to visit. We will discuss a range of opportunities for research and teaching collaborations and explore alternative teaching methods to broaden our knowledge of international universities and to foster our practical learning skills. We look forward to exchange experiences with Marta and establish collaboration with the International Centre for Tourism Hospitality Research and eTourism Lab.


 Marta Laguna García is Vice Dean for Economic Issues, Resources and Infrastructures in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Valladolid (Campus Segovia) where she is developing her teaching and research activities as Assistant Professor of the Department of Business and Marketing. She holds a PhD in Economics and Business Studies from the Autonoma University of Madrid. She began her research experience in the field of tourism as Research Assistant at the Ministry of Commerce and Tourism (Spanish Government) (1994-1996) thanks to a Research Grant for developing her research activity in the General Department of Planning and Prospects Tourism and the Institute of Tourism studies (TURESPAÑA). She has developed her teaching and research career at the Autonoma University of Madrid (Assistant Professor), the University Sek- IE University (Head of Department of Social Science, Law and Economics), the University Alfonso X el Sabio (Director of Degree in Tourism) and the European University (Spain); having spent several periods in European Univerities as the London Metropolitan University (UK) and the University of Applied Sciences (HochschuleZittau-Görlitz). She has taught at Masters and Postgraduates in different Universities such as the Paulista Institute of Sciences and Business (Curitiba, Brazil) belonging to the Faculty of Management of Sao Paulo, University Carlos III (Madrid), the University of Cadiz, IE Business School and The Ortega y Gasset Institute (Madrid). She has been a member of the Technical Committee of Socio-Economic Observatory of Segovia (2002-2011) and Director of the Research Line in Tourism (2006-2011), Organization in which she was previously Director of Consumer Research (2002-2005).

Marta has participated in several research projects funded by various Agencies and Institutions: (LIFE-TIERMES Project and Friends of the Museum of Tiermes, EUCYL-NORTE Project funded under the Spain-Portugal Program Community Initiative 2 INTERREG III A, Castilla y Leon – Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Education, Royal Academy of Economics and Finance of Spain. Her works have been presented in more than thirty national and international conferences. She has published her research work in Journals such as Tourism Management, International Journal of Tourism Research, Current Issues in Tourism, European Review of Management and Business Economics, Revista Portuguesa de Marketing, Distribution and Consumer Affairs, Tourism Studies, Tourism Papers, etc. She is coauthor of two books recently published: “Tourism: A Global Vision”, editorial Aranzadi and “Psycologhy and Motivation” editorial Nova Publisher (USA). She has worked in different Teaching Innovation Projects (2006-2008, 2013-2014) funded by the Agency for the University System of Castilla and Leon and the Ministry of Education of the Junta de Castilla y León and the University of Valladolid. Her research areas are closely connected to Marketing and Tourism: satisfaction, loyalty, e-tourism and destination experiences (especially in cultural and gastronomy places).