Presenting at the British Conference of Undergraduate Research

Utku Huseyin is a BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism student. She recently attended the British Conference of Undergraduate Research to present her research project. Her guest blog explains the day and how she found the experience.  The British Conference of Undergraduate Research 2024 (BCUR) took place at the London School of Economics (LSE). From 9 am… Read more » about Presenting at the British Conference of Undergraduate Research

My experience during Alumni Fest

Thinking about life after uni can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. The transition from being with friends all day and night with the occasional lecture in between to the professional world comes with its own set of challenges and triumphs. Recently, Bournemouth University held ‘Alumni Fest’ an insightful event where previous graduates from Bournemouth came… Read more » about My experience during Alumni Fest

CMAE Student Award winner Joe Evans.

Award-winning Sports student on life at BU

Joseph Evans recently graduated from BSc Sports Psychology and Coaching Sciences (now BSc Sport Coaching). In recognition of his achievements, Joseph was awarded the Club Management Association of Europe (CMAE) Student Award. We caught up with him to find out how he found his experience of studying at BU and what he plans to do… Read more » about Award-winning Sports student on life at BU

Representing BU at the IMechE challenge

Jacob Whitelegg is a Mechanical Engineering graduate who took part in the IMechE challenge this year, representing Bournemouth University. In his guest blog, he reflects on the challenge and his time as a student. Tell us about the IMechE challenge. What did you do? I was part of Bournemouth University’s “2nd” year team, known as… Read more » about Representing BU at the IMechE challenge

Life as a final year Computing student

BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology student Zayn Mehrali is in his final year of the course. He recently took part in a poster event for final-year computing students, during which students had the opportunity to showcase their projects and get feedback from academics to help them progress their ideas. In his guest blog, he talks… Read more » about Life as a final year Computing student

Gain tips and insight into the Games course at BU from TIGA Graduate of Year

This guest blog is from Jack Creasy, a BSc (Hons) Games Design graduate and TIGA (The Independent Game Developers’ Association) Graduate of the Year. In this blog, Jack reviews his experience of the course and offers some top tips for prospective students considering our Games courses. What made you choose BU? I attended a Bournemouth… Read more » about Gain tips and insight into the Games course at BU from TIGA Graduate of Year

My experience of taking part in ECHO in Action

BU hosted the European Network of Cybersecurity Centres and Competence Hub for Innovation and Operations (ECHO) for a series of events to demonstrate ECHO’s assets and show partners and stakeholders what Bournemouth University has to offer. Computing and Informatics students were able to take part practical exercises, networking events and visits to local IT businesses…. Read more » about My experience of taking part in ECHO in Action