Hello, I am Tsz Kam Yeung from Hong Kong and I am currently studying MSc Events Marketing. BU Student Ambassador is my first part-time job in the UK and it is really good fun. Flexible working hours Working hours for student ambassadors are more flexible than other part-time jobs. It fits in with our studies… Read more » about My part-time job as a BU Student Ambassador
Successfully working part-time as student in Bournemouth
I am Martina Gardeva from Bulgaria studying MSc Tourism Management and Marketing. I am currently working as Student Ambassador for BU and I know what it is like to be searching for a part-time job as an international student. Here are some hints on how to successfully work part-time as student in Bournemouth: Work is… Read more » about Successfully working part-time as student in Bournemouth
Part-time work opportunities in Bournemouth
Hello! My name is Giorgos Kapsanakis. I am from Greece and I am doing my Master’s in Directing Film and Television at Bournemouth University. I know that coming from far away to study can be very difficult. So many questions arise… Are we going to miss home? What is it like to live far away… Read more » about Part-time work opportunities in Bournemouth

Part-time work opportunities are right in front of you!
I am Bruna Tolomeli from Brazil studying a Master’s in Post Production Editing. Study in England has always been my dream, but supporting myself financially whilst studying brought me a lot of anxiety, even before arriving in Bournemouth. However, all the anxiety went away when I received the confirmation that I would become a Student Ambassador for… Read more » about Part-time work opportunities are right in front of you!
A guide to part-time jobs in Bournemouth
I’m Sandra Achim from Romania, studying a Master’s in Events Management. As a full-time student, it is very difficult to make extra money to help with our daily spending, but it is not impossible. I have, in fact, two part-time jobs, as a BU Student Ambassador and as a Retail Assistant at PRIMARK. Sometimes, I… Read more » about A guide to part-time jobs in Bournemouth
Working as a BU Student Ambassador
I am Jaime, from Colorado, and as a student MLit English programme, I am fortunate to have been selected to work as a Student Ambassador for BU. Having a little extra spending money is worth the effort, but there is more to part-time work than just the pay cheque! Create As a BU Ambassador, I… Read more » about Working as a BU Student Ambassador
Benefits of Part-Time Work Apart from Extra Cash
Moving to a new place and starting a Master’s degree was intimidating enough, and that was before I had even begun to think about finding a part-time job. I ended up landing a job as a Student Ambassador at the University, and now that I’ve settled into the swing of things a bit more, I… Read more » about Benefits of Part-Time Work Apart from Extra Cash
Funding my studies
Most students have a part-time job which helps with essentials and general living costs associated with being at uni. It also helps to top up the government bursary or loans that don’t always stretch as far as we’d like! I study Adult Nursing and I’ve found that HSS students are often placed under the added… Read more » about Funding my studies
Finding part-time work to support your studies
One of the most exciting messages that a student receives is the text from student finance, saying that your loan is in process and should be within your account within three days. You can almost hear the cheers of the students if you listen close enough! But after a few spontaneous trips to Bournemouth town… Read more » about Finding part-time work to support your studies
Who are those guys in the pink ambassador hoodies?
I remember when I started university; it seems so long ago now! I remember thinking to myself three years of nights out, uni work and making friends, but definitely no job! I had a part time job before university and wanted this time to myself. I say this but, during Freshers week the role of… Read more » about Who are those guys in the pink ambassador hoodies?
Part-time jobs in Bournemouth
Many students work part-time during their studies either to earn extra money or to gain more practical experience. I also have, in fact, two part-time jobs at the moment, barista at Starbucks and student ambassador at BU, and in this blog I will share with you guys some information about what kinds of job are… Read more » about Part-time jobs in Bournemouth
Part Time Work at University
By Leroy-Winston Scott 3rd year BU student, BA (Hons) Events Management We are all aware of the jokes that students can’t afford food, or that it is a very poor lifestyle. These jokes are true, we do have to learn how to budget and how to maintain a flow of finances that will allow us… Read more » about Part Time Work at University