Open day 101

Hi guys! Having gone to applicant days myself and helped out at BU open days, I’ve got some advice for you on how to make the most of any open days you do attend!

My 3 favourite university experiences so far

It’s difficult to just choose three favourite experiences, but here they are !! Meeting new people – Sounds cliché but I really have met some amazing people over the last 7 months. It was initially quite overwhelming, as you’re meeting people from your course, accommodation, clubs and societies, nights out, through friends of friends and… Read more » about My 3 favourite university experiences so far

The transferable skills studying a Master’s degree has enhanced

Studying a Master’s degree at Bournemouth University has helped enhance and develop transferrable skills which are invaluable when coming to applying for jobs. At undergraduate level and in previous employment these skills are learnt and developed, but they are really tested and developed in postgraduate study! Organisation and time management are two tremendously important skills… Read more » about The transferable skills studying a Master’s degree has enhanced

Venturing beyond your comfort zone: Life as an international student

So, you wanna be a BU Student? If you’re interested in what being an International student coming to the UK involves I can help. Studying abroad may be one of the most beneficial experiences available for a University student. Coming to BU has meant I can not only study for my course but also learn… Read more » about Venturing beyond your comfort zone: Life as an international student