House hunting tips

Choosing a property can be a scary experience, especially if this is your first time away from home or you have to arrange things yourself. If you’re opting for a private let, here are a few useful tips for you to keep in mind that will take you through the whole process.     Choose… Read more » about House hunting tips

How BU helped secure my placement

My name is Suyan and I’m studying MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management at Bournemouth University.  I have just completed my 40-week placement at one of the best seaside hotels in Bournemouth. I used the information on BU’s MyCareerHub to help search for job vacancies, guidance on CV writing and interview techniques.  I also made… Read more » about How BU helped secure my placement

An archaeologist’s summer: digs, pigs and Iron Age tribes

Five weeks, 55 first years, 15 second and third years and a field in Dorset. The plot for a romantic comedy? Not quite. It was the setting and cast for Bournemouth University’s annual training excavation, The Big Dig. Every year all the first years studying Archaeology, Anthropology and Forensic Science spend five weeks out in the field learning… Read more » about An archaeologist’s summer: digs, pigs and Iron Age tribes

How to beat stress

Studying can be stressful, particularly when we have exams looming or multiple deadlines piling up.  It’s important to look after yourself throughout these times to keep the negative effects of stress at bay.  That means making time for yourself no matter how much work you have to do; if you burn out you won’t be… Read more » about How to beat stress