Why I love BU

As I write this, I’ve been at BU for almost eight months and am about to get started on my Master’s project. I can hardly believe the time has gone so fast, and I think the fact that I’m enjoying life here so much has a lot to do with it. I feel so fortunate… Read more » about Why I love BU

Beautiful Barcelona!

To make the most of my time in Europe, after my internship in Malta, I flew to Spain and continued my studies as an Erasmus student in Universitat Autòmona de Barcelona (UAB). UAB is the best university in Spain, according to The World University Rankings 2015-2016. In Europe, UAB ranks the top 100. And it… Read more » about Beautiful Barcelona!

Music in the veins

The music opportunities at BU are vast. There are chances to be part of operas, musicals and many concerts throughout the year. The application process is not too strenuous, as you need to write about yourself and the music experiences you’ve had in the past. Having a lot of experience as well as music grades… Read more » about Music in the veins

Introducing Global BUddies

As you may already know, Global BUddies is a programme led by the Student Services department of Bournemouth University and by students. It aims to increase integration between UK students and international students, but it’s also a great way to share culture, make friends and gain an extensive knowledge about other nationalities – something future… Read more » about Introducing Global BUddies

How international students can find a job after graduation

For international students, language barriers and visa restraints make it more difficult to land a job in the UK, but it’s not impossible. I am applying for jobs after graduation and in this blog I just want to share some of my job search experiences. Enhancing my communication skills The ability to speak English fluently… Read more » about How international students can find a job after graduation

Why we love BU

In his latest video, Iakovos takes his camera out and about to speak to other postgrad students. He asks other Faculty of Media & Communication students what it’s like to study at BU.