Hiya! So as move in day begins to get closer and closer I thought I’d share a vlog a made back in September 2019 from when I first moved into my university flat so that you can gain a rough insight into what the first day is like! Enjoy 🙂 Emily 🙂
University essentials | What you DO & DON’T need to bring
Hiya, With September approaching some of you may be wondering what exactly to bring to university, hopefully this video helps you to find some university essentials to bring and some “essentials” that you might want to leave behind! Emily 🙂
Why study History at BU?
This is a guest blog post from current student Josephine Grognet, studying BA (Hons) History. Why study history at BU? well if the beach hasn’t sold it enough for you I don’t know what will… Aside from the beach, this course offers something that no other university does. We have the privilege of being in… Read more » about Why study History at BU?
Reflecting on my placement year at the Walt Disney Company
This is a guest blogger post by current student Ben Levene, studying BA (Hons) Marketing Communications. Now that I have finished my placement year, it seems like a great time to reflect on working for the Walt Disney Company. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Ben and I will be going… Read more » about Reflecting on my placement year at the Walt Disney Company
10 pieces of advice I wish I’d heard before university
I came to Bournemouth four years ago and started my degree in Events Management. The first two years were about learning the ropes and taking on different challenges along the way. Here’s my 10 piece of advice I wish someone had told me before I moved to university, and some that I hope will help… Read more » about 10 pieces of advice I wish I’d heard before university
Placement experience inspiration for final year projects and direction for graduating
This is a guest blog post by current student Megan Voice, studying BA (Hons) Media Production who secured a B2B Marketing Associate role at Lenovo. Megan Voice: https://www.linkedin.com/in/megan-voice-media-production-marketing/ The three words to describe my placement search would be challenging, daunting and informative. The three words to describe my placement experience would be valuable, varied and… Read more » about Placement experience inspiration for final year projects and direction for graduating
From Bournemouth to Bali: Zach’s prize-winning placement
Last year, BSc (Hons) Environmental Science student Zach Boakes wrote a blog piece about his placement year co-founding volunteering organisation North Bali Reef Conservation. Now he has been awarded the BU Placement Prize for his achievements, he is back with an update on how it is all going. My sandwich placement was spent at North… Read more » about From Bournemouth to Bali: Zach’s prize-winning placement
Budgeting as a Bulgarian student at BU
Coming to Bournemouth University from Bulgaria has been the biggest challenge I’ve ever faced. I remember adjusting to my new lifestyle – the first month was an absolutely surreal experience. Not only did I now have to live on my own, but I also had complete control over my monthly budget. Additionally, the sheer amount… Read more » about Budgeting as a Bulgarian student at BU
Making the Jump To University and Student Life
Hi! As today is world jump day I thought I’d talk a little bit about the jump between college/sixth form and university and learning to live independently. It’s definitely not as scary as you might think and actually a lot of fun! Emily 🙂
How to get ready for uni over the Summer
Congratulations on getting into Bournemouth University, but what happens now and what do you prepare? Preparing for uni can be much more than just a suitcase full of clothes, there is a range of other things you can do to ensure you feel as ready as you can for uni, and the upcoming summer months… Read more » about How to get ready for uni over the Summer
Why would you study for a Master’s degree ?
In the crowded job markets nowadays, employers tend to look for candidates that stand out and can be distinguished easily. The extra higher – level qualification would give you a competitive edge between other applicants to improve your financial prospects as well as investing in your own future showing your ability to commit to an… Read more » about Why would you study for a Master’s degree ?
Pulling off the transition into university life
The step up from school to university is probably one of the biggest (and most exciting!) ones you will take in your educational career. One minute you’re in the midst of being chased for coursework, making appointments for parents evening and asking to go to the toilet in class, and the next… you’re having to… Read more » about Pulling off the transition into university life