Keen about sport but not too sure which direction to go in? Check out what current students Dan, Luke and Katie have to say about their different sport courses. The facilities, industry links and outstanding sport academics we boast at BU helps our students to truly stand out in this subject area!
Join me as I share with you how to drink more water in your day to day for a health student lifestyle!
Watch my vlog, where I share some ideas on how you can spread kindness for free.
Regardless of whether you’re a student or not, everyone should keep safe when on a night out. It’s easy when your among friends or if your familiar with an area to take your safety for granted. Watch my vlog where I share some top tips!
Thinking about a degree in Archaeology? Felise and Kate tell us what they really love about their Archaeology degrees whilst showing us some of the amazing artefacts found by BU students on digs. They talk placements, great tutors, favourite units and much more!
Sometimes your plans for when you finish school or college don’t quite work out. You might change your mind, discover a different option, not quite achieve the grades you need, the list goes on. Maybe you were thinking about an apprenticeship? Maybe you want to go travelling? Watch my vlog to hear my story and... Read more » about My journey into Higher Education
When you live somewhere so beautiful, you don’t always need lots of  money to go out and have fun. Follow me for a day where I show you what I get up to with just £10.
It has been snowing across all of the UK recently and you might be wondering what it’s like here at BU?! Well check out my vlog!
Why BU made my list!
Everyone has their own reasons for choosing BU for their postgraduate studies. In this video, BU vlogger Diane shares her top five reasons why she believed BU was the perfect university for her Master’s degree.
You don’t just have to study on campus you know. There are so many different places you can get your head down and get your student game on! Watch my vlog about the different places you can go 🙂  
BU vlogger Brianna is here to give you the low down on your finance options for postgraduate study.
While I was home for Christmas, I got a little homesick for Uni so made a video discussing why Bournemouth might be great for you! Watch to find out why I love Bournemouth as a place to live and study.