From Bournemouth to Bali: Zach’s prize-winning placement

Last year, BSc (Hons) Environmental Science student Zach Boakes wrote a blog piece about his placement year co-founding volunteering organisation North Bali Reef Conservation. Now he has been awarded the BU Placement Prize for his achievements, he is back with an update on how it is all going.  My sandwich placement was spent at North… Read more » about From Bournemouth to Bali: Zach’s prize-winning placement

Your Guide to Simple Cocktail Making at Home and Places to Visit for Cocktails in Bournemouth

Cocktail lover? You’ve come to the right place! University nights out can become expensive especially when you start to drink only when you get to the club, so many students will have a ‘pres’ drink before leaving for the club! Why not spice up your pre-drinks by creating some easy and simple cocktails! If you… Read more » about Your Guide to Simple Cocktail Making at Home and Places to Visit for Cocktails in Bournemouth

My frontline experience as a physiotherapy student

This is a guest blog by current student Emma Blackman, currently studying BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy. COVID-19, what a rollercoaster. Working on the elderly care unit throughout this time has been heart wrenching and emotionally challenging at best. I have witnessed the absolute worst and the absolute best in a matter of months. The team-work I have… Read more » about My frontline experience as a physiotherapy student

Pulling off the transition into university life

The step up from school to university is probably one of the biggest (and most exciting!) ones you will take in your educational career. One minute you’re in the midst of being chased for coursework, making appointments for parents evening and asking to go to the toilet in class, and the next… you’re having to… Read more » about Pulling off the transition into university life

Journalism Under Lockdown: Second Semester

A few months ago, the world was met with the unfortunate events of the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus has rooted itself within our daily lives and has shifted the way institutions worldwide has run. Bournemouth University has worked hard to accommodate and attend the needs of ensuring the remainder of everyone’s academic year meets the… Read more » about Journalism Under Lockdown: Second Semester

What I love about my course BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy

This is a guest blog by current student Alice Ryan, currently studying BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy. I chose to study at BU, because of the hands on approach the university had, the variety of placement opportunities available to OT students and because of how helpful and friendly the lecturers and students were at Open Days. As… Read more » about What I love about my course BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy

LLM in Intellectual Property Law and My Experiences

Choosing to do Intellectual Property Law as my Master’s Degree was a fairly simple choice for me. I wanted to do a course that would not pigeon hole me into one specific field, and the opportunities provided by IP in business, technology, creative media and more made it exciting. The most attractive feature I found… Read more » about LLM in Intellectual Property Law and My Experiences