When Godzilla attacked, the PR students stepped up

Guest article by Fern Merritt, BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with PR student, highlights the collaboration between Arts University Bournemouth students and Bournemouth University’s BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science students. The BU simulation for undergraduate Paramedic Science students was the highlight of the year for the PR students that got to be involved! During the action, we… Read more » about When Godzilla attacked, the PR students stepped up

Life as a student paramedic during the pandemic

The following blog is written by Katie Ball, who is a third year student studying BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science. She reflects on her achievements and challenges on this course and whilst on placement.  I’m Katie and I am currently a third year at BU studying BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science. I started my student paramedic journey… Read more » about Life as a student paramedic during the pandemic

Pot with coins overflowing

How bursaries have impacted my HE journey

Grants, bursaries, loans and scholarships! It can be so overwhelming starting university and wondering how you’ll be able to afford to support yourself whilst studying. Bournemouth University offers two bursaries to students that are eligible to coincide with your student loan. The first one I’m going to run through is the BU Maintenance Bursary. I’ve… Read more » about How bursaries have impacted my HE journey

Thankyou gifts from my placement on my last day

How placement opportunities can strengthen your employability

During my second year studying Social Work, I completed a 70-day placement working in substance misuse with adults in the community. For my course, the placement is mandatory, therefore the pressure was taken off finding it myself, as this was down to the course academic leads to match us. Whether your course includes a mandatory… Read more » about How placement opportunities can strengthen your employability

My impact on a patient’s care that sticks with me

This is a guest blog post from BU graduate Daniel Fry who studied BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing. Since becoming a registered nurse in 2020 I am much more aware that my actions have a direct impact on an individual’s care of which the consequences, positive or negative, can be long lasting.   There is one scenario… Read more » about My impact on a patient’s care that sticks with me