The Role of Course Accreditation in MA Advertising: A Student’s Perspective

The world is full of wonders and creative people. Sometimes the wonders of the world astound people, and other times people astound the world. One such marvel is the art of persuasion and the artists are none other than the advertisers. This specific skill set may be acquired through academic study, which can also assist… Read more » about The Role of Course Accreditation in MA Advertising: A Student’s Perspective

Going to university with Type One Diabetes

Thinking about or preparing to go to university with a health condition or disability can be a daunting. I have Type One Diabetes, and my biggest worry for going to university was how I would adapt to a new student lifestyle, and if there was support available at BU for me to access. I am… Read more » about Going to university with Type One Diabetes

Nursing students practising on dummies in a practice suite

What you might not know about BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing

So you think that nursing is the job for you but you don’t really know what it fully involves or how the course is structured or if it’s the right course for you? Let me go through some things that not everyone knows when they start the course and get into nursing. You will first… Read more » about What you might not know about BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing

How the support of my Faculty Learning Development team has helped me to best perform in my academic work

Before starting my master’s programme at BU, I used to work in the industry for three years. At the beginning of my journey at BU, I used to worry that the academic gap and difference in teaching methods would make my study in the UK more challenging. Little did I know that with the great… Read more » about How the support of my Faculty Learning Development team has helped me to best perform in my academic work

My experience of student support services at BU

Speaking as someone who has fibromyalgia, personality disorder and chronic fatigue to name a few disabilities I have, I have always felt that I wouldn’t be able to complete my nursing degree as they would hold me back but BU have so much support, help and advice that I’ve flown through my first year and… Read more » about My experience of student support services at BU

Brightspace; an e-friend and learning solution

  Back in Nigeria – in October 2020, when I received the email from BU International Admission that learning would take place online for my January 2021 postgraduate programme, I became really curious and perturbed. I wondered aloud and spoke to some friends who had completed their studies before the advent of Covid-19 in the… Read more » about Brightspace; an e-friend and learning solution

What is Brightspace? A short guide

Brightspace is a tool that you will use daily as a student at BU. Personally, I find that brightspace includes a lot of useful links that help me with my studies. To access your Brightspace and find more information, you can click the link here: Brightspace’s top bar section are one of the most important… Read more » about What is Brightspace? A short guide

Group projects – Yay or Nay

Group projects can be daunting and not always associated with fair work. However, they shouldn’t be, as working in a team is valued greatly by employers and they provide an opportunity to broaden your views. At BU all lecturers are aware of the fact that not all students have the skillset to work in a… Read more » about Group projects – Yay or Nay

PG level assignment fun

We all enjoy the assessments at university but some more than others. Essays, reports, literature reviews and all kinds of group projects at the postgrad level can be challenging whether you just finished your undergrad or are returning to study after several years. So let me tell you what to expect from PG level assignments… Read more » about PG level assignment fun

Getting academic support at BU- all you need to know!

Hey, this is Lara from Italy and I’m in my final year here at BU studying computer animation art and design. In this blog, I would like to tell you a bit about the academic support I use at BU to sustain my studies. Throughout my time at BU I discovered there are many ways… Read more » about Getting academic support at BU- all you need to know!

My undergraduate to postgraduate journey at BU

This is a guest blog written by BU graduate Vicki who studied at BU for her  BSc (Hons) in Nutrition and decided to stay here for her postgraduate degree in MSc Nutrition and Behaviour as well. Why did I choose BU again? The nutrition team A big part of my decision was based on the… Read more » about My undergraduate to postgraduate journey at BU