Little things I love about living in the UK

People say the first impression lasts, and I think it applies to my study experience in the UK. It has been a few weeks since I finished my postgraduate study in MA Marketing Communications at BU, but everything still feels surreal to me. Little have I realised how fast time has passed and how much… Read more » about Little things I love about living in the UK

Best Places Near Bournemouth for Day-Long Trips

When university life gets busy, there’s not a lot of time to travel for the average hodophile. Thankfully, Bournemouth is located near many wonderful locations that one can explore around in a day or over the weekend. Here are seven such places: 1. Salisbury It takes an hour and a half to get to Salisbury… Read more » about Best Places Near Bournemouth for Day-Long Trips

Gaining set lists & making memories | BU Summer Ball 2022

Hiya, The time finally arrived for me to go to the Summer Ball! I’d never been before due to the pandemic so this was my first and last time going and I made every second count! I didn’t make it to the famous survivors photos (sorry for the spoilers) but I did have an amazing… Read more » about Gaining set lists & making memories | BU Summer Ball 2022

Life as an International Student during Breaks

Whenever breaks roll around after busy periods of submissions, I’m always left wondering, “What do I do now?” Each time, however, I end up stumbling across a plethora of means to enjoy my time. Here’s a list of ways I’ve found to make the most out of my breaks: 1. Organising Activities: Whenever we’re all… Read more » about Life as an International Student during Breaks

Swimming at Kimmeridge Bay

The new episode on my “international friends” series

  One of the most significant reasons for me to choose the UK for my master’s degree year was higher multiculturality compared to other European countries. According to my experience as an international student in the UK, I can say that the UK education system tries to improve its cultural diversity vision in many areas…. Read more » about The new episode on my “international friends” series

A once in a lifetime celebration: The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

The Platinum Jubilee This year marks the 70th year that Queen Elizabeth II has ruled as monarch in the UK, making this the Queen’s Platinum year. This is the first time in history that a monarch has reached this milestone and ever since I found out that I had been accepted to Bournemouth, I knew… Read more » about A once in a lifetime celebration: The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

My placements in Journalism

Placements was the greatest opportunity and requirement that I had to uptake during my time at university. Even though my course, BA Hons Multimedia Journalism, requires me to do a placement it is an element that is detrimental to the overall experience of learning Journalism. Journalism is done best when it is applied and gaining… Read more » about My placements in Journalism