Student Ambassadors: “Be You!” at BU

Hi everyone, my name is Ram from Malaysia, and I am currently studying MA Directing Film and Television. Today I would like to share a little about my experience working as a Student Ambassador, especially during the University’s Open Days. Student Ambassador Role If you are selected as an International Student Ambassador, the job comes… Read more » about Student Ambassadors: “Be You!” at BU

My Faculty of Management Executive Dean’s Scholarship

For students looking for higher education, some key factors come into play when choosing a university. Factors such as cost, geographical location, accreditation, academic quality are some common key considerations. For postgraduate students, especially international students, cost is a key factor when selecting a university. In the UK, the average cost of a postgraduate degree… Read more » about My Faculty of Management Executive Dean’s Scholarship

Managing the @BUinternational Instagram account

My name is Patrycja, I’m from Poland and I’m studying BA Computer Animation Art and Design at BU. How did I become an International Student Ambassador? Before starting uni, I got an email invitation to apply for a job as an International Student Ambassador. I thought it might be interesting to give tours around campus… Read more » about Managing the @BUinternational Instagram account

The differences faced while studying abroad in the UK

My name is Patrycja and I came from Poland to study BA Computer Animation Art and Design at BU. From the very beginning of my international adventure it was quite easy to notice that necessary study skills and the way of studying in the UK is completely different than the Polish one. The biggest difference:… Read more » about The differences faced while studying abroad in the UK

Five great things about being a Master’s student

They say Master’s students are usually more mature, more wise, more determined, more hardworking and better at multitasking. Is this true? Of course it is, however, it is assumed that postgraduate students never have time to do anything else but study. Now this is definitely not true. In fact, for Master’s students it’s just all about… Read more » about Five great things about being a Master’s student

ResLifeBU – Who are we and what do we do?!

Feeling a little apprehensive about moving away from home? Wondering how your going to meet new people when you arrive? ResLifeBU have you covered. In 2016 BU launched ResLife, to help create a lively, friendly and supportive community for new students in BU accommodation. So, at every BU managed Halls of Residence a team of… Read more » about ResLifeBU – Who are we and what do we do?!

Adult nursing student Kayleigh highlights the positives among the negative press

This is a guest blog by current student Kayleigh Lewis, studying BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing. I am a ‘mature student’, in my final year of adult nursing. I have many years of experience working in a hospital setting and nursing is all I have ever wanted to do. I knew it would be tough, but I… Read more » about Adult nursing student Kayleigh highlights the positives among the negative press

Academic support tailored to your needs

BU academic support I’m Lara from Italy, studying Computer Animation Art and Design and I’m dyslexic. This is why I’m going to talk about my experience with the academic support at Bournemouth University and how this helped me to get through my first semester. When I first arrived at BU, I was amazed by the… Read more » about Academic support tailored to your needs

Work placement success at IBM

This is a guest blog by Gemma Griffin, a BA (Hons) Business Studies graduate. I completed my work placement at IBM on London’s South Bank, working in the Product Marketing team. As part of my role, I helped to implement marketing strategies from our worldwide team into the UK & Ireland team, developing training initiatives to improve collaboration between… Read more » about Work placement success at IBM

Graduate story: Broadening leads to Legal consultant role for top firm

Having completed her first degree in law at Baskent University in Turkey, Ilgin Muftuoglu was keen to broaden her horizons by studying abroad.Ilgin began to research postgraduate legal qualifications at universities in the UK, as a means of improving her English skills and developing a global business perspective.She said: “During my research, Bournemouth University stood… Read more » about Graduate story: Broadening leads to Legal consultant role for top firm