I want to volunteer for charity but I don’t know how to start!

Volunteering, such as charity work, can be an amazing way to pad out your CV, help those in need and a useful thing to fill your free time with! This post is to just make sure you feel confident taking that first step into the world of charity work and volunteering. A small amount of… Read more » about I want to volunteer for charity but I don’t know how to start!

Welcome to Poole Hospital sign

How Bournemouth University Supports The COVID-19 Fight

It is a tough time for everyone, for the ones that are working at the frontline as much as the ones, like me, who are in lockdown. However, students and staff at Bournemouth University are working hard to help out and give support to anyone who needs it. Here are the ways the BU community… Read more » about How Bournemouth University Supports The COVID-19 Fight

Lockdown Life: Day of a EU Student

Lockdown has changed lives completely. There is no doubt about it. Lots of us are missing our family, friends and all the things we could do before this pandemic began. However, thanks to the internet not everything is bad, and the staff at Bournemouth University have shown to be very supportive in this time. So… Read more » about Lockdown Life: Day of a EU Student

Why postgraduate study was such a great option for me

​The end of my five years of law school was bizarre at the very least. For the first time in a while the next natural step wasn’t the next academic year and I was unsure of where I wanted to take my life. I was (and still adamantly am) the starry-eyed millennial. I want to… Read more » about Why postgraduate study was such a great option for me

All about Ramadan

Ramadan is the holy month of fasting in the Islamic calendar, and Muslims globally look forward to it every year to take part.  This year’s Ramadan is slightly different for many people around the world as the lock down has prevented the prayers in mosques and even the family/friends gatherings due to the coronavirus outbreak…. Read more » about All about Ramadan

A Day in the Life: A PG in Dublin in Isolation

We’ve all found ourselves in a situation we could never have imagined. I’m back at home with my family, and, at first, my days tended to go one of two ways – the productive day, or the stuck on the sofa with Netflix day. I’ve found a better balance now, and a typical day for… Read more » about A Day in the Life: A PG in Dublin in Isolation

Story of an Operating Department Practice student

Hello everybody!  My name is Katie Pitcher and I am in the first cohort of degree student in Operating Department Practice (ODP) at Bournemouth Uni! What’s an ODP? This is a question I get asked daily!  Not a lot of people know what the role of an ODP is, so let me explain. Operating Department Practitioners… Read more » about Story of an Operating Department Practice student

The way the nation has come together only inspires me to work harder

My name is Amy Alexander, I am 20 years of age and I study BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing at Bournemouth University. My inspiration for starting my nursing training was due to the amazing nursing teams I worked with at my local hospital in the operating theatres. The operating theatres gave me a massive insight into… Read more » about The way the nation has come together only inspires me to work harder

A day in the life of a BA (Hons) Politics student

Politics is part of Bournemouth University’s Faculty of Media and Communication, which all takes place at Talbot Campus. It’s a small course, with only about 20-30 students in each year and, due to its interdisciplinary nature, our lectures are sometimes combined with other courses, such as BA (Hons) History and BA (Hons) Communication and Media…. Read more » about A day in the life of a BA (Hons) Politics student