Hello Greek people! Geia sas, ti ginetai? So if you’ve been wondering what it’s like being a Greek in Bournemouth, this is the verdict: it’s quite great. First of all, it’s incredibly surprising how many Greek and Cypriot people there are here. When I first came here, I could not believe it. Apart from the… Read more » about Being Greek in Bournemouth
Iakovos’s story: Why come to an Open Afternoon?
Thinking of joining us for a Postgraduate Open Afternoon? Here’s Iakovos to tell you what you can expect.
How much am I supposed to read?
When I was accepted onto my course and registered online last August, one of the first things I came across was the reading list. My immediate thought was: how much of this am I supposed to read? It gave me flashbacks to the first day of my undergrad, when we were all filled with trepidation… Read more » about How much am I supposed to read?
A Californian’s survival guide to living in Bournemouth
After living in Bournemouth for 10 months, I can confidently say that Bournemouth is a smaller, British version of Southern California (minus the amount of rain… if Bournemouth could donate a bit of that rain to drought-ridden California, that would be much appreciated). Perhaps it is from the sunny beaches with sparkling water and an abundance… Read more » about A Californian’s survival guide to living in Bournemouth
My BU experience
It’s hard to sum up my BU experience in one blog post. There have been ups and downs, achievements, challenges, lessons learnt, and unforgettable moments. On balance it has been an overwhelmingly positive experience, and it’s not quite over yet! The biggest challenge I’ve faced is taking on a completely new discipline. I had never… Read more » about My BU experience
In or out of the EU? An international student’s view
When it comes to politics and discussions regarding the EU I have always been quite reserved in my opinion, thinking that I am not knowledgeable enough to express it in a confident and convincing way. Well, there are topics that don’t require a degree in politics or EU law in order to make a statement… Read more » about In or out of the EU? An international student’s view
My Commonwealth Scholarship: A world of opportunities
I was really excited when I was notified of my approved funding from the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission. I’m not sure whether it was the chance to study at Bournemouth University, in its prestigious tourism department with distinguished academics such as Professor Buhalis or the joys of finally getting funding to attain a Master’s degree in… Read more » about My Commonwealth Scholarship: A world of opportunities
Student votes and the EU Referendum
I know you’re all probably sick to the back teeth about hearing about the EU Referendum and having lots of conflicting ideas thrown at you in the last few weeks, but here I am, and I too am going to be discussing the EU referendum from a student perspective. So, being a Politics and Media… Read more » about Student votes and the EU Referendum
Being a student ambassador
Among many precious memories BU has granted me, being a student ambassador is probably the most amazing one. Briefly said, a student ambassador is the one helping with all kinds of events such as open days, career fairs, and educational fairs; undertaking some specialist roles like blogger, mentor, subject specialist; and basically representing the uni… Read more » about Being a student ambassador
Funding your studies
With tuition fees, accommodation, day-to-day living expenses and perhaps relocation costs and conferences or other educational activities, postgraduate study isn’t cheap! Fortunately there are numerous ways to fund your studies and support available to soften the blow. Here I give a brief overview of the options and tips for funding your time at BU. Fees… Read more » about Funding your studies
Tonya’s story: The jump from undergrad to postgrad
What’s it like going from undergraduate to postgraduate study? Tonya tells us about her experience.
My MA Producing Film & Television story
Since there’s still some time left for applications and many people are contacting me to ask about studying at Bournemouth University (BU), I feel like sharing a sneaky peek into my experience on MA Producing Film & Television. BU is still quite a young university when compared to many others all over the UK. Which… Read more » about My MA Producing Film & Television story