Don’t expect 90% grades! How does India’s grading system compare to the UK’s?

Hi everyone! I am Sujata Shekhawat from India and I am studying MA Media and Communication. Going abroad to study is an amazing experience which you will cherish throughout your life. But the best way to make your study experience smooth is to make yourself acquainted with the study system of the country you’re going… Read more » about Don’t expect 90% grades! How does India’s grading system compare to the UK’s?

Be proactive during your postgraduate degree

Hi everyone, my name is Ram, an MA Directing Film and Television student from Malaysia. This week, I am writing about the difference in postgraduate study skills in the United Kingdom compared to my home country, Malaysia. Learning in Malaysia The key difference about pursuing postgraduate studies in the UK is definitely the teaching methods… Read more » about Be proactive during your postgraduate degree

My 30-week placement at Hengistbury Head

Sijuade Yusuf is doing a 30-week placement at Hengistbury Head. Here’s a Q&A on her experience. Three words to describe your placement search: Full-on-research, devotion and doggedness What did you find the most helpful in your placement search?: Career Hub is indeed a great resource. All the help that is needed can be gotten on… Read more » about My 30-week placement at Hengistbury Head

Be active: keeping fit in body and mind

Hello there, my name is Alejandra, I’m a postgraduate student from Colombia. For me, exercise has always been an important part of my life, mostly because it makes me feel better and helps me cope with stressful events. Exercise can help you relieve stress, keep your mind focused on one activity rather than in your… Read more » about Be active: keeping fit in body and mind

Postgraduate study skills: Prepare yourself!

Hi guys! This is Talya, an international student from Turkey, studying MSc in Clinical Psychology at BU. Today we are going to touch on the main differences between Turkey and the UK in terms of postgraduate study skills. I hope this will give you some insight before coming to study in the UK. Preparation before… Read more » about Postgraduate study skills: Prepare yourself!

The diversity and opportunity in SportBU

Hi everyone, my name is Ram, a student on the MA Directing Film and Television course. Today, I want to share a little about the different sports activities offered by SportBU, and in particular the sport that I participate in: badminton. Sport sessions at SportBU SportBU offer many different sport sessions in a regular week… Read more » about The diversity and opportunity in SportBU

Two wheels in the Town: a cyclist’s guide to Bournemouth

With its 10-mile-long promenade, rich countryside and well-organised roads, Bournemouth offers a great place to hop on a bike to commute or explore, trust me!! With its eco-mind, the university fully supports you bringing your bike to the seaside and offers a variety of services to support you doing so, and to keep you and… Read more » about Two wheels in the Town: a cyclist’s guide to Bournemouth

How to stop being a slave to your phone

I often find myself in a constant state of procrastination, spending way too much time on my phone, and chances are you do too!!! It’s 2019 and not a moment goes by uncaptured by our phones. Banking/photos/messaging/calling/internet/emails/calculator/tv/ social media/dating apps/music, the list is endless! It has been proven that spending too much time on your… Read more » about How to stop being a slave to your phone

Image of students looking at Budapest river

70% is good? Grading systems in the UK compared to the States

Hi my name is Garrett Bucklin, I am from the United States and I’m currently a Master’s student at Bournemouth University. My undergraduate education was based around both business marketing as well as business management, which has been a nice lead up to my Master’s in Business Administration. There are many differences when transitioning into… Read more » about 70% is good? Grading systems in the UK compared to the States

Is that a Merit or a Distinction? Comparison of Turkish and English grading systems

Hi guys. I’m Talya and I am currently completing my master’s degree in Clinical Psychology here at BU. Today, I will give you a brief summary of the main differences between the Turkish and the English grading systems. The good old Turkish system Coming from Turkey, it might take a while to adapt to a… Read more » about Is that a Merit or a Distinction? Comparison of Turkish and English grading systems