Opportunities to build intercultural competence while studying at Bournemouth University

Being able to work across cultures is an increasingly necessary skill for graduates to impress employers in the competitive job market. Building intercultural competence while studying at university will benefit your career in the future. What is intercultural competence, and what are the opportunities to build these skills? Follow me to discover more! What is… Read more » about Opportunities to build intercultural competence while studying at Bournemouth University

My study exchange experience in Lille, France

BSc (Hons) Marketing student Iulia Iordanescu completed a study exchange semester at EDHEC Business School in Lille, France during the 2020-2021 academic year. She shares her experience of studying in France during the Covid-19 pandemic. “The French educational system is very different from ours. After French high school students take their Baccalaureate and have two… Read more » about My study exchange experience in Lille, France

Two female students smile wearing their graduation robes and hats

Everything you need to know about the new Graduate visa

Did you know international students who have completed a degree in the UK can apply to stay and work in the UK for up to two years? The new Graduate Route visa is a fantastic opportunity for international graduates of UK universities. As a student who will graduate in June 2022, I have received lots… Read more » about Everything you need to know about the new Graduate visa

How BU becomes a second home for international students

Being away from home for the first time could be overwhelming for many students. Like many other international students, I want my time studying abroad to be memorable, yet it still took me a while to adapt to a new environment in the UK. I am always grateful for the support that I have received… Read more » about How BU becomes a second home for international students

Life as a student paramedic during the pandemic

The following blog is written by Katie Ball, who is a third year student studying BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science. She reflects on her achievements and challenges on this course and whilst on placement.  I’m Katie and I am currently a third year at BU studying BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science. I started my student paramedic journey… Read more » about Life as a student paramedic during the pandemic

My first Lunar New Year away from home as an international student

Lunar New Year is the most important holiday in many Asia countries based on the lunar calendar. It is a special occasion to be with your loved ones, looking back to what you have achieved over the past year and looking forward to good things ahead. 2022 marks my first year celebrating Lunar New Year… Read more » about My first Lunar New Year away from home as an international student


What next? Deciding your Career Path after Graduating from BU Law.

Now that you have graduated! You must have been congratulated for a job well done; to be candid postgraduate programme generally are rigorous. Particularly Master of Laws (LL.M) entails personal research and development alongside the requirement to fulfill some hours of attendance of seminars and lectures. As an international student, the competition is higher, therefore,… Read more » about What next? Deciding your Career Path after Graduating from BU Law.

Pot with coins overflowing

How bursaries have impacted my HE journey

Grants, bursaries, loans and scholarships! It can be so overwhelming starting university and wondering how you’ll be able to afford to support yourself whilst studying. Bournemouth University offers two bursaries to students that are eligible to coincide with your student loan. The first one I’m going to run through is the BU Maintenance Bursary. I’ve… Read more » about How bursaries have impacted my HE journey

Your Postgraduate Studies at BU; Tips on your Application as an International Student.

BU as your choice! Now that you have chosen Bournemouth University (BU) as your next place of education and development. You may have the assurance of the quality of postgraduate (PG) training being offered in various courses of studies by an array of disciplined but caring faculties with multicultural backgrounds at BU. In subsequent paragraphs,… Read more » about Your Postgraduate Studies at BU; Tips on your Application as an International Student.

In 2022 I am looking forward to…

As we begin the new year, I have an alternative version of a new years resolution in mind. After years of attempting to set a goal at the start and failing to achieve it, I have instead set a view of what this year is going to look like. Seeing the final destination to where… Read more » about In 2022 I am looking forward to…