collage of two photos. Young women having a picnic at the beach. Young women at a Student Union fair, with a table of temporary tattoos.

Why I chose Bournemouth University

Choosing your university is about more than just what courses are on offer. You’re deciding where you’re going to spend the next three to four years, where you’re going to learn and grow and start a whole new life. Luckily for me, my decision to study at Bournemouth University wasn’t difficult, because I took everything… Read more » about Why I chose Bournemouth University

Day in my life writing my dissertation

Spend the day with me writing my dissertation

Hey guys, I’m Lily and in this vlog, I take you with me to write my dissertation as a TV Production student! A few real day in my life when studying as a final year at uni! I also talk through my dissertation topic which may be interesting to you if you’re considering TV Production… Read more » about Spend the day with me writing my dissertation

Collage of photos of DYMK Bar, Pride Bar, Uni-bus with LGBT flag design, women clubbing

Best LGBTQ+ spots in Bournemouth

For years, Bournemouth has had a reputation for being gay-friendly, with lots of LGBTQ+ spots and events to offer. If you’re just arriving at university, or you’re a third year dipping your toes in the water for the first time, here are some great LGBTQ+ spaces to start with. While Flirt Café isn’t an exclusively… Read more » about Best LGBTQ+ spots in Bournemouth

Smiling girl, sitting, holding up her fingers in peace signs, in the Nerve Radio station. There is a mic and radio desk in front of her.

Three clubs to try in the New Year, and why societies can help you!

2024 is here, and a new year is a great reason to try new things! When I first moved away from home, I struggled to find my feet and places I belonged, but my university experience got so much better when I started getting involved with everything Bournemouth has to offer. I became much happier… Read more » about Three clubs to try in the New Year, and why societies can help you!

Why I’m glad I joined a society in second year

Hey, I’m Lily, a TV Production student here at BU, and this vlog is my advice to you about joining clubs and societies at uni! I am so glad I got involved in more societies in my second year and put myself out there more – as it’s such a great way to meet new… Read more » about Why I’m glad I joined a society in second year

Bournemouth railway station train tracks

3 things I did before uni and 3 things I wish I’d done

The summer before starting university can be everything from confusing to exciting to scary. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, so here are the three things I did before uni and the three things I wish I’d done. 1. Get your finances sorted. It’s important to research the cost of tuition, accommodation, and living expenses so… Read more » about 3 things I did before uni and 3 things I wish I’d done

Berlin landmarks and Film Festival participants and the words Berlin Film Festival

Join me on the BU Film Society’s Berlin Film Festival trip

The annual Berlin Film Festival trip is organised by the Film Society 🎥 Here’s what we got up to this year. It was an amazing trip and the Film Society does weekly screenings and has lots of socials to join in with and opportunities to meet like-minded people 🙂