Studying a Master’s degree at Bournemouth University has helped enhance and develop transferrable skills which are invaluable when coming to applying for jobs. At undergraduate level and in previous employment these skills are learnt and developed, but they are really tested and developed in postgraduate study! Organisation and time management are two tremendously important skills… Read more » about The transferable skills studying a Master’s degree has enhanced

Amber Williams
I’m Amber and I am a student ambassador and blogger for Bournemouth University. I am a postgraduate student studying MSc Forensic Anthropology. I love my course and enjoy learning new things. I hope that by writing blogs I can help provide the answers to questions that weren’t always easily available to me when I was applying to university and getting used to university life. I love tea and biscuits, watching a good film, spending time with my family, and exploring the Herefordshire (my home) countryside with my two German Shepherds. After completing my postgraduate degree I hope to work as a forensic anthropologist against human rights violations.
Returning to Academic life
Taking the decision to become a student after several years out of education was not an easy one. There was so much to take into account, and so much that I was nervous about. My biggest worry was whether I’d be able to cope with full time study after so long. Would I be able… Read more » about Returning to Academic life
Why I stayed at BU
I am currently a postgraduate student studying MSc Forensic Anthropology at BU. I also studied my undergraduate degree here too. I love Bournemouth, and that is essentially why I stayed. But the reasons why I love Bournemouth are more than just that! The university has some amazing facilities for my course, there is a dedicated… Read more » about Why I stayed at BU
Why I love being a Student Ambassador
Why do I love being a student ambassador? The simple answer to that is because it is fun! But there is so much more to why I love my job as a student ambassador. It is the most rewarding and enjoyable job I’ve ever had! In my second year of university, I decided that I wanted… Read more » about Why I love being a Student Ambassador
Amber’s experience with SUBU as a Postgrad
As a postgraduate student with all the normal pressures that come with this, support from my students’ union is really important. Whether, like me, you continue on for postgraduate study at the same university or whether you start over at a new university, there will always be similar challenges to face. Before starting my postgraduate… Read more » about Amber’s experience with SUBU as a Postgrad