When it comes to cooking, don’t expect gourmet, because unfortunately that’s not what you get. Smart Price is what you get. So from now on forget your best friend, your new best friend is ASDA. I used to be a bit of a food snob only buying branded food and never even looking at supermarket… Read more » about Cooking and fending for yourself

Sarah Holding
Living independently
Every person who leaves home for the first time will tell you that living without parents is a dream come true, no one to tell you to clean your room, make you do the dishes or even moan at you for no apparent reason. But after a while of being independent you start to notice… Read more » about Living independently
Why I love Nutrition at BU
Nutrition is an excellent course to pursue at BU for many different reasons. The reason I love this course is that the lecturers are extremely friendly and are easy to talk to, making you want to listen and learn much more. But putting that aside the resources available to use are excellent, there’s even a… Read more » about Why I love Nutrition at BU
BU’s Academic Excellence Scholarship
Did you know that BU offers this amazing Academic Excellence Scholarship worth £1,500 for achieving exceptionally good results? It pays to try hard, literally! The word ‘scholarship’ sounds scary but honestly it’s not at all what it seems! The results seem high and impossible to reach, but who says you can’t aim high in life?… Read more » about BU’s Academic Excellence Scholarship