Lily Produced by

Final year

BA (Hons) Television Production

Choosing your university is about more than just what courses are on offer. You’re deciding where you’re going to spend the next three to four years, where you’re going to learn and grow and start a whole new life. Luckily for me, my decision to study at Bournemouth University wasn’t difficult, because I took everything important to me into account. Here are the reasons I chose to come to BU.

Bournemouth is renowned for its media courses. As someone passionate about film and television making, I was aware of Bournemouth University’s reputation, but when I read about the facilities for the media faculty, I knew it was the right choice for me. 

The recently built Poole Gateway building is just for media students, decked out with two industry standard multi-camera live television studios with operating galleries, a kit desk with filmmaking equipment completely free to book out, edit suites, a green screen room, a screening cinema room, and so much more! Collage of two photos. Photo one shows a student pointing a studio camera at a presenter in a studio set. Photo two shows seven TV students constructing a castle set within the tv studio.

This access is invaluable for learning practical skills. Researching the facilities and the faculty members that would be teaching me really helped me make the right decision because I knew what my course could offer, and was assured it had the ideal balance of theory and practical work for me.

The second most important factor in my decision to come to BU was the location. The city is very accessible for students, with a great bus system and nightlife, without being as overwhelming as a major city like
London. I grew up in the Greater London counties, so Bournemouth was far enough away for me to feel independent but close enough to visit home. Without being remote, Dorset has tons of parks, natural attractions and of course, the beach! Being close to nature is great for managing your mental health, and should be an important factor when considering what university you want to study at. 

Collage of two photos. Photo one features Bournemouth beach at sunset and photo two features the Queen's Park duck pond in sunlight. A duck is diving under the green surface.


When researching universities, an active student union was a big factor for me. Bournemouth University’s student union (SUBU) has played a huge role in my life for the last three years. Outside of the diverse range of student clubs and societies, SUBU often hosts fairs for events like Pride and International Women’s Day, mini-events, and comTwo smiling women standing by a table with fake tattoos and paintbrushes, in the Bournemouth University SUBU building petitions on campus that have greatly contributed to my university experience. It’s so fun to be able to walk into the SUBU building and find or learn something new, or even get a little freebie.


SUBU is also the amazing team responsible for running the student bar, The Old Firestation (our student club), and the amazing Summer Ball. They have a great online presence- with an online page updated with upcoming local events. Being a part of organisations like Film Society, Creative Writing Society, and Nerve Radio and Photography has been the highlight of my time at university; it developed my skills, gave me a community, and so many great memories.A crowd of people outside the SUBU building on a sunny day

The best way to decide your university is to consider what’s important to you and looking back at my time at university, I’m happy to say Bournemouth was the right choice.

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