Produced by Guest blogger
This is a guest blog post by current student Giggs Lee, studying BA (Hons) Media Production.
Placement Company: Picniq Ltd
Placement Job Title: Social Media Intern
Three words to describe your placement search:
Challenging, Rewarding, Competitive
Three words to describe your placement:
Eye-opening, Educational, Fun
What were the hardest aspect of your placement?
The hardest aspect of my placement was not being discouraged when the audience reach of my work isn’t doing its best on social media.
What were the most enjoyable aspect of your placement:?
I loved visiting different attractions and filming on site to promote the attraction.
What have you learned that you never thought you would have this year?
It was very eye opening when I learned about how the company runs on a day to day basis, there’s so much work that goes on behind the scene including thinking of creative ways to promote different attractions.
What gave you the most satisfaction during placement year?
Filming in Disney was so much fun, although it was hard having lots of guidelines to follow but given the chance to film with few of the most iconic Disney characters (Mickey, Minnie, Olaf) was amazing!
Two tips for future placement students:
- Never give up applying, I sent almost 40 applications, and only received 2 replies, but I still had a great time!
- If your placement involves numbers and reach, try not to get discouraged, sometimes the numbers vary out of your control and don’t be so hard on yourself!
One example of how BU supported my placement search:
Andy Guard has been great help to my placement, offered a lot of support on making a creative cv and prepping interviews etc.
How have you changed personally and professionally?
In general, I’m much more confident in myself. Professionally, I am more proactive, I have gotten in a habit of planning content a month ahead.
Placement supervisor Questions
What was it about your placement student that secured them the position with you?
Giggs’ enthusiasm and personality showing his creative side really shone through!
What has it been like having your placement student on the team?
It’s been a pleasure having Giggs on my team, he’s super helpful, creative with a great attitude towards work.
What 3 essential things do you expect to see on a student CV applying for a placement?
Positive attitude, enthusiasm, friendly personality
What has been the best thing about having their student on placement?
Giggs has been so helpful and has a great attitude and enthusiasm! He’s even taught me a thing or two!
If this has been your first experience with a sandwich placement student, would you do it again?
Yes, 100% if they are all like Giggs!