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This is a guest blog by Kerry Jalie, Strategic Portfolio Manager for the NHS, and a student studying the Senior Leadership Apprenticeship (SLA) at BU.

Kerry Jalie

I started the SLA in September 2022, and I can honestly say I am really enjoying it! The content is interesting and varied and the combination of on-campus and remote Microsoft Teams online lectures works very well for me.

Understanding the theory behind some of the leadership traits that I already (unconsciously) exhibit daily has been fascinating and has strengthened my self-confidence, as well as opened up new areas for me to explore and develop further.

I have three tips for anyone thinking of signing up for this course:

  1. Be organised and disciplined – you need to protect your diary every week for dedicated study time. This course is not something you can possibly squeeze in on top of your day job, but the more you put into the course, in terms of the pre-session reading and activities, the more you will get out of it.
  2. Speak up – always try to participate in group discussions (in-person or online) as the more collective input that goes in, the more interesting and rewarding the sessions are.
  3. Get to know your cohort – take time to learn about your fellow students as you are all in the same boat, juggling work and study, and a “bonded” group makes a world of difference as you can support and coach each other, as well as share any ideas or concerns.

Plus, since undertaking the SLA, I’ve been promoted from Digital Portfolio Manager to Strategic Portfolio Manager!

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