Produced by Linh Trinh
from Vietnam
MA Marketing Communications
Starting my master programme in January 2021 amidst the pandemic, I was lucky to receive lots of support from the university. One of them is the Global Engagement scholarship that I received at the beginning of my summer break to help me make the most of my virtual internship experience with Think Pacific. This UK social enterprise works in partnership with the Fijian Government and major Fijian NGO’s to tackle international development issues. Read more to find out about my memorable journey filled with fun and valuable work experience this summer.
A summer to remember
Like many students coming to the UK for the first time, I started my summer break in June with lots of excitement to travel to new places, get involved in new activities and meet new people. However, given the 15 months I have for my master’s degree, I also wanted to make the most of the available opportunities for self-development to enhance my future career prospects.
That was the reason why when the opportunity to apply for a fully-funded international remote internship with Think Pacific for postgraduate students at BU came – I took it as it was a chance of a lifetime. After going through the application process with clear guidance and support from BU staff, I was selected to receive the funding to join the programme.
The virtual internship with Think Pacific offers unique opportunities to understand global contexts, solve real problems, including environmental, economic, and social issues, with the chance to choose from over 100 projects in Fiji. Therefore, by joining the internship, I had the opportunity to enhance my intercultural competence by working with people from different parts of the world, discovering my potential development in marketing and communications while contributing to solving social issues with other colleagues.

An introduction session from Think Pacific’s mentors as part of my virtual internship
120 intensive-yet-rewarding hours
At the beginning of my virtual internship, all the interns were welcome and provided lots of options to choose an internship programme that best fits their background and objectives. The journey is divided into five phases, including Discovery, Discussion, Decide, Design and Deliver, with support from a mentor.
Meeting with my mentor to update on our internship experience
After getting to know about Fiji culture, having cultural sessions and general skill development training, we were given a list of action projects to support local organisations or businesses in Fiji. I chose to work on an 8-week project to develop a marketing strategy for Youth Champs for Mental Health (YC4MH) – which helped me step out of my comfort zone to discover the impact of marketing campaigns in promoting mental health among young people. Had it not been for the funding from Bournemouth University, I would not have had such a fantastic experience with my first ever virtual internship in the UK.
At the end of my internship, I made a presentation to showcase my action project.
My first summer internship ended; however, it has opened many more doors for me in applying what I have gained to my future work and study. For students who want to gain overseas experience, I strongly recommend applying for a similar programme to discover more potential in you and prepare for the upcoming journey after graduation.