My time at BU is coming to an end and I have had the best time of my life. What I’d give to start it all over again! So, I thought I’d share some of my favourite experiences whilst I’ve been here. These will be different for everyone and each course will have varying opportunities, but these are some of mine.
1. Moving in
The day you move into halls is one of the most exciting (and nerve wracking) days of your life so far. Meeting your flat mates, friends of friends, course friends and random people you bump into is a lot of fun. If you aren’t the most sociable or outgoing person, there are plenty of ways to meet people in less intimidating settings than pre-drinks before you go out. In the second year, a lot of people go into private housing in the local area with their friends. This was when I really felt like I had a lot of independence and learnt a lot of ‘adult’ lessons like paying bills and doing meter readings. You also get to pick what friends you live with, which is an amazing experience. Remember though that the people you meet at freshers probably won’t be your best friends by the end of the year so don’t rush into anything.
2. Placement year

I was very lucky and had an amazing placement I really enjoyed. I worked at the university as the Marketing and Events Assistant. I really felt like a valued member of the team and I am still friends with my co-workers now. My role involved helping organise Open Days, UCAS events, Unibuddy ambassadors and the blogs and vlogs. I learnt so many skills and it made me feel a lot more confident at getting a job once I graduate. Placements are such a great way to become more employable once you leave university as you will have the experience and the degree.
3. Summer time in Bournemouth
This isn’t a ‘university experience’ but the area your university is located in is such a huge part of your university experience. Bournemouth is an amazing place, especially in the summer once you’ve handed in your last assignment for the year. Obviously there’s the famous beach and coastline, which is such a beautiful place to go on walks, jogs, and bike rides, or relaxing on the beach. It is also nice to explore the wider area around Dorset while you can. You can go to the New Forest, Durdle Door, Heignstbury Head, Poole Harbour, Sandbanks, Studland, Corfe Castle, and so many more. I love going to pub gardens in the New Forest and cocktail bars by the beach. Get Beryl bikes or scooters and cycle along the promenade from Sandbanks to Boscombe pier for a cheap and fun thing to do.
4. Nerve Media
I have been a part of both Nerve radio and Nerve magazine. For the radio, I co-hosted The Student Bible show which was all about student tips, games and popular culture. I was also the Head of Marketing for Nerve Radio which was unfortunately cut short due to COVID-19, but it was still a great experience what I did get to do. I am currently the Fashion and Lifestyle Editor of Nerve Magazine which has been amazing to explore my interests creatively.
5. Projects
While at university, you’ll be given lots of different projects and some of them will be perfect for you and what you want to do in the future, or they might lead on to some amazing opportunities. One assignment led to working on a professional project for NATO. Some projects, including my dissertation, I can put on my CV or discuss as evidence of my interests, skills and experience.