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This is a guest blog written by BU graduate Vicki who studied at BU for her  BSc (Hons) in Nutrition and decided to stay here for her postgraduate degree in MSc Nutrition and Behaviour as well.

Why did I choose BU again?

The nutrition team

A big part of my decision was based on the quality of the teaching and level of support I had received during my undergraduate degree. If you aren’t a current BU student, I’d recommend chatting to some of our students on UniBuddy to ask about their experiences and try to attend a Postgraduate open day where you can connect with academics and students.

BU bunting at Talbot Campus on a sunny day


There are various discounts available, from scholarships to graduate discounts, these are the two that I was eligible for.

Placement opportunities

I believe the experience gained during a placement, including networking and potential employment opportunities can be just as valuable as the degree. I am currently completing two placements at the local hospital and SportBU.

How have I found postgraduate study so far?

Well, 2020 wasn’t just the year I started my postgraduate degree, it was also the year of Covid-19 and the introduction of virtual learning. I have really missed attending BU in person, I love the facilities and chatting with everyone in person. Putting aside the fact I do prefer in person learning, here’s what I think so far:

Subject specialism

My BSc was great for teaching me about nutrition but I wanted specialise in behaviour change and how that can help people to adopt healthier eating habits. So far, the course has given me more insight into motivational interviewing, intuitive eating and we have had plenty of guest speakers who have shared their expertise with us.

Transferable skills

From referencing to time management, everything you learnt on your undergraduate will be so useful for your postgraduate.

Course duration

Generally, postgraduate degrees are shorter than undergraduate courses yet much more condensed. Each of my three undergraduate years started in September and ended after the May exams whereas my postgraduate is a full 12 months.

Contact hours

Usually, my course is only one day per week, however due to the course being delivered remotely it’s now split over two days, with a couple of extra support sessions the first week of every month. So, less contact hours than an undergraduate degree but…

Research and independent study

Expectations are far higher at postgraduate level. You should be reading research papers and attending webinars in your own time to help with your understanding and the lecturers are always sending links to these materials. It seems quite intense at first but the journal clubs and group discussions help us to make sense of the information.

Tidy desk, tidy mind! This helps me to focus and treat my MSc as I would a job.

Would I recommend postgraduate study?

I would absolutely recommend postgraduate study to anyone who feels their undergraduate degree sparked an interest in a specific area, or for anyone who is looking for a change of career. Whatever your reasons, do your research into the right course for you, after all, your entire postgraduate degree will rely on those research skills!

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