Produced by Guest blogger
This is a guest blog by Eleanor Townend, sharing her take on Adjustment. Do you want your say on anything ‘university’? Email BU Blogs or comment below and we’ll be in touch!

Finally! A-Levels are done, the sun is out, and you’re looking forward to starting the next big chapter in your life: University! After attending Open Days, you have made a decision on where to go and what to study with the points you are expecting from your predicted grades. Results day can’t come soon enough!
… But what if when you open that envelope, the results are better than you had expected?! Did you know you can consider alternative university options? This is where Adjustment comes in!
It’s not abnormal to have no idea what Adjustment is, or what is needed to be eligible for it. In fact, Which? conducted a survey and found around a quarter of those questioned were unaware that they could swap their existing, firm choice for a different university or course should they want to. However, despite the lack of publicity, it is really quite simple! To be able to go through Adjustment to get to a preferred university or course, you will require the following:
1. For your firm choice offer to have accepted you and be converted to an unconditional firm offer.
2. To have achieved and exceeded the conditions of your firm choice offer- including any subject-specific grade requirements.
That’s it! To put that into context, you simply need to have done better than the requirements of the firm choice offer you initially received. For example, you might have required the grades BBC for your original offer, but you actually achieved BBB. Not only is this a fantastic result for you (yippee), you are now eligible to enter Adjustment if you wish to change where or what you are going to study.
However, you’ve got to be fast, as this option is only available between results day (when your conditional firm offer changes to unconditional firm) and the 31st of August. Sounds like something of interest? Here is what you need to know:
1. To go through Adjustment you must click ‘Register for Adjustment’ in Track.
2. Your existing unconditional offer is safe whilst you look for another.
3. Your current offer will be gone only once you have confirmed you would like to study elsewhere and the new university adds itself to your application.
4. If you try Adjustment and don’t find what you want, you will still be set to enrol in the course you were expected on initially.
5. To register through UCAS to use Adjustment, click ‘Register for Adjustment’ in Track.
6. If before Adjustment you applied only for one course and paid the reduced fee of £13, you’ll be expected to pay the additional £11 to apply for multiple courses.
7. Once registered, the number to find your place at BU is +44(0)1202 966777 on August 16th.
Remember, Adjustment is just another option to consider that allows you to make the right choice for you. You can check out all of the courses available here at Bournemouth University. Be prepared, informed and most of all excited! University is a life-changing step which is taken by thousands each year. Good Luck!