Produced by kdanceydowns
So where am I now?
Well, I am a freelance videographer working for a few different media companies as well as doing my own projects, including short films and wedding videos. It’s been tough starting out as self-employed, but it’s a great experience and I love being my own boss.
And the BU bit?
It’s pretty obvious that going to university will further your career prospects, and doing my BA and MA at Bournemouth University has been no different. But aside from the course there have been many unexpected ways that BU has helped me to get where I am now; some are circumstantial, some apply to university in general, and some may apply to you too, but all of them add up to four fulfilling years I spent studying at BU.
- Independence
While this may be true for any university, I know I definitely learned how to be independent during my time in Bournemouth. From paying my own bills to finally working out how to work a washing machine, or from handling my own finances to meeting strict hand-in deadlines, my time at uni turned me into a (mostly) competent and functioning human being.
- Confidence
I knew when I first applied to Bournemouth University for my BA that it was an incredibly competitive process, but it wasn’t until I started my studies that I began to realize what weight BU’s reputation carried, especially in journalism and media. The respect for the course and the tutors shown by prospective employers filled me with confidence that, if they thought I was good enough, maybe I was. Straight out of uni I applied for an editorial position and got the job, and my confidence in the teachings BU imparted to me has only grown since.

- Walking
Whether you live in the Student Village at BU, or in halls in town, the chances are that at some point you’ll miss the bus and have to walk. Studying in Bournemouth I learned that walking two miles in the rain was not going to kill me, and on the sunny days I actually enjoyed it! (This is coming from an incredibly lazy slob.) I also learned the true meaning of pain when sweating my way up Richmond Hill.
- Networking
Since leaving uni I have really learned the value of networking – my fellow students, tutors and brilliant guest speakers on the course were worth talking to, going for a drink with, and sending follow-up emails to, as they are now the people that I keep in touch with and are working in the industry that I want to break in to. One of my tutors recommended someone for work experience, and they are now my employer, so take advantage while you’re studying, you never know what that contact might lead to.
- Responsibility
It may sound trivial, but one of the best things I learned at uni was how to coil a microphone wire. Stupid, huh? But it was more than just learning how to properly pack away equipment, it was about portraying a certain attitude of care and responsibility, even to the smallest of tasks: We were told “If you ever get work experience on a set or in a studio, and you don’t treat the equipment with care and the wires get tangled, they will never invite you back.” I’ve always remembered this advice and, to this day, I always carefully twist and coil my headphone and laptop wires.
- Getting involved
During my BA I didn’t join a club or a society, in fact I didn’t really engage beyond my own classes (unless you count joining the gym, but the less said about my failed fitness attempts the better). When I returned for my MA I made a concerted effort to make a difference, however small. So I put myself forward for Class Rep, and enrolled as a Student Ambassador, and really enjoyed feeling more a part of the university experience, especially as I was now living an hour drive away. What could have been a distant and disconnected year ended up with me feeling very much a part of the university. Also, FREE HOODIES!

By Alice White