Produced by kdanceydowns
So there you are in the big smoke, the big city, enjoying everything that your location gives you on your door step – so why move to Bournemouth? I thought the same thing, and having moved to London for work and the lifestyle I wasn’t sure about leaving behind all the good things that I had around me. I left just after the Olympics when London was alive with colour and events and my friends did think I would be missing out – but I didn’t at all.
My reason for choosing Bournemouth was two-fold – firstly the university was very well recommended for the course I wanted to do and secondly the thought of living by the beach for three years was a complete bonus.
Celebrating the Olympic torch relay
I had a couple of visits before I enrolled with BU and found that the town and surrounding areas offered me everything I needed – and a whole lot more.
There is always something going on in Bournemouth, be it the food festival in June, the nationally renowned air show in the summer and being close to the New Forest and the wonderful Jurassic Coast, which is definitely worth an explore on many occasions. The Bournemouth 7s festival is an absolute must while you are here, plus the Christmas market is as good as anything I have been to in London!

Summer ball!
It’s important to remember that Bournemouth and Poole have every amenity that you find in London or indeed any other city (we have restaurants and nightclubs too). The local transport is brilliant for getting around if you don’t have a car and the train is only just over two hours to London if you feel the need to visit home (with your washing ☺)! Plus if you invest in a student rail card – which sometimes comes free with some student bank accounts – you will get 1/3 off all your rail fare so more money in your pocket.
When you go to uni, you’re not committing to that town for the rest of your life, just the three years of your course. Unless like me you simply fall in love with the fact after a long day of lectures you can grab a throw-away BBQ, a few friends, some food and head down to the beach and simply chill out for the evening. Now you can’t do that in London!
By Michelle Lillywhite