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We asked our bloggers to tell us what they love about their halls – there was a lot of arguing about why their halls are the best, but we’ll let you decide what you think. Wherever you end up living, it looks like you’re going to have a great time!
I lived in the Student Village and I loved it! This is the only place I could’ve rolled out of bed at 8.45am and made it to a 9.00am lecture on time! I wish I could always live this close to campus.
The Student Village is one of the cheapest options for accommodation and it is perfect for those who struggle to be up by 9am and those that want to work until 9pm! There are also some pretty good house parties!

The Student Village is not what you would expect from university halls. The village has the air of a housing estate rather than halls, with the small shop down the road and a field with three friendly horses who love to be stroked. In summer the car parks turn into a makeshift garden, with most houses bringing out pillows, music and more to sit in the sun and revise.
The houses, rather than flats, offer a more homely environment. Often as not people from different houses will hold parties (the norm) and cook for one another (less so but still a lot of fun).
I live at Dorchester and I love it! There are many reasons why I think it’s the best but I’ll sum it up in three. My first reason is because it’s opposite a big Asda, 24 hour Co-op and McDonald’s, so is great for when you need food – a big selling point for me! Secondly it is super modern and has double beds; I sometimes forget that it’s even student halls because it feels more like a hotel. My third and final reason of why I love Dorchester is because I’m in walking distance of the town centre, beach and nightlife. Overall you can’t go wrong with Dorchester!

In my first year, I lived in Lyme Regis House. It’s in a great location, with a Tesco Express underneath and the Old Fire Station right opposite (the student club – which makes a night out very cheap). Also, the train station and Asda are only a short walk away. Lyme Regis House is a friendly halls, the rooms are cosy and the kitchens a good size. I have to say the showers are great, always hot and the water pressure fab. The downstairs social area has now been refurbished and provides a welcoming atmosphere.

Chesil is probably one of the most underrated halls of all. Without doubt it’s the smallest halls, probably one of the quietest, but at the same time one of the best purely because of this. The small size of Chesil means you get to know a lot of people very easily and quickly, which is a big plus. These halls also have a newly created common room with a cinema section, pool table and a lot more! Chesil is also relatively new so you get a beautiful, if slightly small room with the luxury of an en-suite! Chesil has a very different atmosphere to a lot of the other halls and if you are slightly shy it’s the best place to start your uni life.

Living in Chesil House last year was good because of its location, being directly above the co-op made it easy to get the necessities when they were needed. It was also right next to the bus stop which made it handy when you feel like you might be late to uni. Chesil House was quiet which also meant that your sleep wasn’t disturbed all that much.
You can find out more about BU accommodation on our website. And if you’re currently studying at BU, comment below to tell us why you think your halls are the best!
Looks brilliant there! I definitely missed out on the house parties but I didnt mind living by close on my own. It was ideal for me cause im an early bird! My student accommodation bournemouth was great, sounded like Alice
Looks brilliant there! . My student accommodation was right next to the bus stop which made it handy when you feel like you might be late to university and it also have great amenities with much spaces. I loved it.