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It’s great to be in the School of Tourism here at BU. My course of study, MSc Tourism Management and Marketing, has been nothing short of an exciting roller-coaster ride. Want to know what’s great about it? (Once upon a time…)
The Lecturers!
I know what you’re probably thinking, but it’s never true. Fact: lecturers can be fun and exciting and super stars (in their own way… they surely wouldn’t have hundreds of fans cheering their names but…. Wait, of course it happens! At conferences!). Studying here reading this course is like treating me to a wide mix of the best chocolates in the world.
Imagine yourself as a student: Mozart teaches you piano, Beyoncé teaches you dance lessons and Stephen Hawking teaches you, I don’t know, basic arithmetic – that’s the exact feeling I have every time I go for class. The ‘who’s who’ of tourism teach here – John Fletcher, Adele Ladkin, Stephen Page, Dimitrios Bulahis – the list goes on and on. If you’ve never studied tourism before, don’t worry – you’ll be in safe hands. Why? Oh, you only have the shapers of the industry teaching you – it’s nothing.
No exams… (wait, what? whoohoo!) Yeah, no examinations – that dreaded parasite which claws at the brains of immaculate students – Yeah, it’s all gone, gone, gone… (no exams…no exams… no exams… feels like I have to keep saying it to remind myself). Nevertheless, the ‘dynamic duos’ of group and individual assignments lurk in the shadows to constantly remind you that as a student, you still have to be assessed. But it’s all good – you can’t help but have a love-hate relationship with them.
The nights of a potentially sleepy student… Operation ‘finish that assignment’
More international students!
You’d think being in England you should be surrounded by English students in class. Wrong! There are Taiwanese, Chinese, French, Italians, Greeks, Nigerians, Kenyans – a truly international community. If you think you’ll feel lost, there are a lot more people who will be feeling the same way. You’ll never walk alone! (Yes, I’m a LFC fan…and we’re coming back stronger next season! Oh, yeah – GO CHERRIES! #AFCBournemouth)
TTI conference in London with E-tourism students
TTI Conference in London
At the end of it all, we say goodbye to all the individual and group assignments submitted, go up to Dylan’s and say thank you to our lecturers for making it worthwhile and, ‘at long last, the battle has ended’. Cheers!

By Theodora Yebuah