Produced by kdanceydowns
Now that they’re back into the swing of studying, our Postgraduate bloggers tell us their New Year’s resolutions for 2015…
Join in the conversation and comment below with your 2015 plans!
Completing my Masters is obviously one! I’m also a member at Stokewood leisure centre in Winton and plan to go there more often in the New Year. I’ll try to lay off the Starbucks at uni as well…
My New Year’s Resolution is to read more classic novels, because as a 22 year old I feel I read too many teenage books!
In November 2014, I joined my first ever 5k run in London and figured it would be a good idea to run for charity. So I signed up to run for the UK Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund. I didn’t raise much money, but even small contributions count. Now, my country Malaysia is experiencing the worst flood in decades. More than 100,000 people, especially in the east coast, were forced to evacuate their homes. It warms my heart to see my friends back home volunteering and contributing for the flood relief but heart-breaking, because I can’t join them. All I could do is donate money and make sure it was delivered to those who need it the most. For 2015, I want to give more. Whether it’s in monetary form, time, energy, network or even my video editing capabilities, I want to do more to help those who are in need – whether they are back home in Malaysia or here in the UK.
To have more adventures, and to get fit! Also to do my absolute best in the MA.
My New Year’s Resolution is to get cycling more; I used to do a spot of
racing and took a step back from this over the summer to focus on my career, but haven’t been on my bike enough since! This will include attending and helping out at the student sessions at Slades Farm Velodrome.