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MSc Archaeology

A couple of weeks into my Master’s degree in Archaeology at Bournemouth I can say two things with absolute honesty.   Firstly, that it is one of the hardest things I have ever done (save writing my first novel). Secondly, that it is one of the most worthwhile things I am embarking on. It is a hell of a lot of hard work…but I also really do love it.

Whilst I loved my undergrad degree there was one thing that I didn’t like, I never had the option to study just zooarchaeology. I did a unit on environmental archaeology and even one of humans, animals, and diets. And while that was really cool it still missed out what I really wanted. I wanted to be able identify bones, tell the species, and the rest. And now, finally, I get to do just that. And quite frankly, I am loving it.


But that isn’t all. I love how things are really starting to come together, how it feels that you are making progress and really starting to get to grips with this stuff. That feeling of achievement.

I also love being around people who get it. Who get and like the same thing I do. It is nice to find people who you can connect with and talk to about stuff that would send those non-archaeologists in the world running to the hills…or at least creeping away from you slowly.


In truth it would be almost impossible to explain why I love my master’s degree. Why I enjoy the course. Because really it is just a big feeling of achievement and being with people who really get you. And there is something rather special about that.