EU and Global IP Policy


Since the early ’90s, the European Union has been acting as a global actor in the process of international harmonization of the laws protecting Intellectual Property Rights. Besides working towards the harmonization of the Intellectual Property laws of the Member States, the EU has also acted at international level to promote approximations of laws as an instrument of free trade and transfer of knowledge. Copyright is an important asset in this scheme, as the European Cultural production factors for a sizeable share of the global market.

The Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management (CIPPM) of Bournemouth University contributes to the European and international IP policy-making by joining the debate among governments, European institutions and IP scholars. For example, CIPPM has been part of the consortium of the EU funded project SEARCH (Sharing KnowledgE Assets: InteRregionally Cohesive NeigHborhoods) where it has carried out research to identify and explore barriers to innovation in the integration process between the European Union and its neighbouring countries. At policy level, CIPPM advocates for an EU copyright system which takes into account the legitimate interests of users of copyright works. In 2008, CIPPM has played a major role in the debate surrounding the Directive on the extension of copyright terms for sound recordings, by promoting a Joint Academic Statement signed by more than 50 EU academics. More recently, CIPPM has submitted a contribution to the open consultation of the European Union on the reform of Copyright Law, and has organized an international symposium on Geographical Indications (the first of this kind in the UK). Finally, the Centre is often involved in government-funded comparative research to study and assess the international landscape related to IPRs, mostly with a European interest. In this connection, the Centre has recently started a major research project on regulation of Internet Service Providers in China.

European and Global Intellectual Property Policy is an important subject-matter for our research Centre, which has developed and will develop even more projects, fellowship schemes, networks, and various academic activities in  crucial areas of international innovation and dissemination of culture.

Marcella Favale - Senior Research Fellow
Maurizio Borghi - Visiting Professor
Antanina Garanasvili - Research Economist
Dinusha Mendis - Professor Mendis is the Centre's Director
Indranath Gupta - Visiting Fellow - Autumn 2019
Lingling Wei - Senior Lecturer in Business Law
Marc Mimler - Senior Lecturer
Nicola Coppola - PhD Researcher and P/T Lecturer in Law
Vasilis Katos - Professor of Computer Science
CIPPM Awarded Funding for Project on Copyright and Open Norms from Around the World - A research team consisting of Prof. Dinusha Mendis (Director, CIPPM), Dr Dukki Hong (PDRA) and Mr Ben White (PhD candidate) at CIPPM have been selected to carry out a 1-year research project looking at the experience of those countries around the world which have adopted open approaches to copyright experiences, and the scope for adopting the... Read more » about CIPPM Awarded Funding for Project on Copyright and Open Norms from Around the World
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for European Intellectual Property and Information Rights - CIPPM received a 3-years funding from the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme to set up a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on “European Intellectual Property and Information Rights”. The Centre of Excellence aims at giving support, visibility, and enhanced impact to a series of activities in crucial areas of European integration such as Copyright and related... Read more » about Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for European Intellectual Property and Information Rights
Collection of National Key Enforcement Judgments related to Intellectual Property Rights - A project commissioned by the Observatory of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights  is carried out by CIPPM in collaboration with Milieu Consulting SPRL. This 4-year project will run from January 2021 to December 2024, with the objective being to expand, update and consolidate the EUIPO’s eSearch Case... Read more » about Collection of National Key Enforcement Judgments related to Intellectual Property Rights
Study on IP infringement on online trading platforms - A project funded by the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and carried out by an interdisciplinary team of experts from Bournemouth University, including the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management (CIPPM) and the Cyber Security Unit. The study covers the legal and technical dimensions of IP infringement through vendor accounts on third-party trading platforms,... Read more » about Study on IP infringement on online trading platforms
Software and Copyright - Seeking Clarity Through European Copyright Law Project coordinator: Dinusha Mendis Project description The project explores the opportunities and challenges presented by new and emerging technologies with a specific focus on software and its implications for EU copyright and copyright licensing. In doing so, the project will particularly question the concept of the ‘author’ and ‘owner’... Read more » about Software and Copyright
Copyright exceptions as user’s rights - Project coordinators: Maurizio Borghi and Guy Pessach Project description Permitted uses of copyright works are an integral part of the copyright system. They play a key role in securing a balance between affording the copyright holder certain rights while encouraging others to use the work to build new knowledge. However, contemporary research underscores copyright’s chilling... Read more » about Copyright exceptions as user’s rights
Robots, the new judges - Digital rights and defences in the networked environment Project coordinator: Dr Marcella Favale Project description Internet platforms, currently labelled by law as ‘intermediaries’, have revolutionized the digital world as we know it. Online purchases, free content, social contacts, are all parts of this scenario. In this picture, internet users are also content creators, but to... Read more » about Robots, the new judges
Illegal IPTV in the European Union - A project funded by the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and carried out by an interdisciplinary team of experts from Bournemouth University, including the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management (CIPPM) and the Cyber Security Unit. >> Report published on 27 November 2019 The infringement of broadcasting rights online has grown significantly in the... Read more » about Illegal IPTV in the European Union
Regulating Internet Intermediaries in China: Legal and Empirical Evidence for Better Policy Making - This one-year project is funded by AHRC/Newton Fund as part of the AHRC Centre for Digital Copyright and IP Research in China. Principal investigator is Dr Lingling Wei, supported by Maurizio Borghi, Fabian Homberg and Marcella Favale and in collaboration Professor Shunde Li and Associate Professor Xianjue Luo from the University of Chinese Academy of... Read more » about Regulating Internet Intermediaries in China: Legal and Empirical Evidence for Better Policy Making
Sharing KnowledgE Assets: InteRregionally Cohesive NeigHborhoods (SEARCH) - This Project is funded by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development in the ‘Socio-economic sciences and the humanities’ area (2011-2014) The main objective of this project is to strengthen the integration process between the EU and the Neighbourhood Countries (NCs), by improving the understanding of the institutional framework... Read more » about Sharing KnowledgE Assets: InteRregionally Cohesive NeigHborhoods (SEARCH)
CIPPM researchers present findings from copyright open norms project at UKIPO and European Commission May 29, 2024 - On Wednesday 22nd May and Friday 24th May 2024, CIPPM researchers, Dinusha Mendis, Benjamin White and Dukki Hong were invited to present their research on copyright and open norms in seven jurisdictions at the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) and European Commission respectively. The project funded by Knowledge Rights 21 explores the adoption, use and... Read more » about CIPPM researchers present findings from copyright open norms project at UKIPO and European Commission
CIPPM Publishes a New Report on Illegal IPTV in Europe and UK December 15, 2022 - In April 2022, CIPPM was commissioned by the Audiovisual Anti-Piracy Alliance (AAPA) to further explore the state of illegal IPTV in Europe. The aim of the AAPA commissioned project was to build on the research carried out by the CIPPM team, during 2018-2019 for a project commissioned by the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) on... Read more » about CIPPM Publishes a New Report on Illegal IPTV in Europe and UK
CIPPM Awarded Funding for Project on Copyright and Open Norms from Around the World September 16, 2022 - A research team consisting of Prof. Dinusha Mendis (Director, CIPPM), Dr Dukki Hong (PDRA) and Mr Ben White (PhD candidate) at CIPPM have been selected to carry out a 1-year research project looking at the experience of those countries around the world which have adopted open approaches to copyright experiences, and the scope for adopting the... Read more » about CIPPM Awarded Funding for Project on Copyright and Open Norms from Around the World
Study “Vendor Accounts on Third Party Trading Platforms” now published October 29, 2021 - In May 2020 the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), through the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights, commissioned a research study into IP infringements on online trading plaftorms. The research covered the the legal and technical dimensions of IP infringement through vendor accounts on third-party trading platforms, with the aim of providing... Read more » about Study “Vendor Accounts on Third Party Trading Platforms” now published
Collection of National Key Enforcement Judgments related to Intellectual Property Rights May 6, 2021 - A project commissioned by the Observatory of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights  is carried out by CIPPM in collaboration with Milieu Consulting SPRL. This 4-year project will run from January 2021 to December 2024, with the objective being to expand, update and consolidate the EUIPO’s eSearch Case... Read more » about Collection of National Key Enforcement Judgments related to Intellectual Property Rights

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