Santander Universities Relationship Internship


Santander Universities Relationship Internship
Salary: Competitive
Location: London
Initial 6 Month Period
To support the Santander Universities U.K relationship team to help implement both the social responsibility and commercial activities for the Universities Programme.
The role will focus on a variety of tasks including maintaining database information, event management, creation of documentation, client liaison and ownership of some key portfolio project work all with a view to helping to develop and manage relationships within the global Santander Universities network.
A summary of potential work areas are listed below:
Key Responsibilities
•Build awareness of the Universities programme at all levels of Santander UK as well as within the UK Higher Education sector.
•Assist the relationship management team with maintaining and developing the agreements of the UK partner Universities.
•Maintenance and monitoring of accurate databases of awards and scholars,
•Assist with various initiatives and events to raise awareness of the Santander Universities division
•Keep up to date the internal information and reference sheets.
Agreement Management
Support the relationship team to.
•Agree and assist in the writing of the principal and ancillary agreements and to liaise with legal teams to ensure all correct prior to signing.
•Maintain an up to date database of recipients, ensuring compliance with partnership agreement.
•Assist in the arrangements of signing events and ceremonies, lectures events, and executive campus visits..
•Support the relationship managers in regular reviews with the Institutions, and ensure adjustments or amendments are actioned where necessary.
•Help to maintain a continuous working relationship with each Institution
For full job description and to apply please visit:

Bournemouth University Professor joins Guardian Round Table Conference

Tomorrow Professor Stephen Page will be attending one of the Guardian round table events.

This particular event is titled ‘What are the main barriers to making mainstream tourism more sustainable and how can these most effectively be overcome?’ and the outcomes of it will be published in the Guardian.

We will bring you more news on the event later in the week.


National Coastal Tourism Academy Director is a BU Graduate

The National Coastal Tourism Academy has named Tourism Studies graduate Samantha Richardson as its new director.

Sam Richardson

A high-flyer, Samantha has a wealth of experience in the tourism industry, most recently as Business Development Manager for Shore Operations at Carnival UK, the world’s largest cruise line operator. She has also work for P&O Cruises, Salisbury Cathedral, Thomas Cook and in the marketing department at Visit Britain’s Chicago office.

Samantha graduated from Bournemouth University with a first class degree in Tourism Studies and went on to gain an MSc in Tourism Management from Sheffield Hallam University.

With first-hand experience of a range of tourist organisation from small businesses to global corporations, Samantha is well-placed to lead the National Coastal Tourism Academy (NCTA) in its remit to create new jobs and develop a model for successful coastal tourism across the UK.

“The opportunity to be part of the Academy was too good a chance to miss,” said Samantha. “It’s very rare to be able to be part of a start-up that has the potential to create a step-change in the future of coastal tourism. Uniquely, the NCTA is a partnership between the three major tourism players in the town – Bournemouth Council, Bournemouth University and the local tourism industry, working together will be key to delivering our objectives.

“Our remit is ambitious, but with robust research from the University working in partnership with the different tourism sectors, we’ll hit the ground running. I’m passionate about tourism, it’s the very life-blood of the local economy, so I’m enormously excited about this new challenge.”

Samantha will be directing a team split between Bournemouth Council’s Town Hall and Bournemouth University.

 National Coastal Tourism Academy

Bruce Grant-Braham’s new book for drivers


Director of the Motor Sport Research Centre at Bournemouth University and Dorset Motoring author, Bruce Grant-Braham has recently written a book for drivers called the “RAC essential drivers’ handbook”

Bruce has pooled advice from a team of the County’s experts to offer valuable advice to car drivers nationwide.

Bruce, previously known for his motor sport and F1 books, was commissioned by Poundbury-based Veloce Publishing for this valuable addition to the company’s range of RAC advice handbooks.

Bruce commented “The RAC Essential Driver’s Handbook offers practical advice to car drivers as to how to they might best cope with some of the difficult situations that can occur at any time whilst driving. “

“Whether it is a breakdown, an accident, a car fire, an isolated car park or the difficulty of being a lone driver I hope the RAC Essential Driver’s Handbook will provide some ways of avoiding or minimising the effects of such stressful motoring situations”

“I am extremely grateful for the professional advice I received during my research. I am pleased to say that we can be reassured that we have some nationally recognised experts in our County and I am indebted to those individuals from Dorset Police, Dorset Fire and Rescue and South West Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust who willingly offered advice to make sure that the final manuscript is as accurate and up-to-date as possible.”

The handbook can be bought here

For more information on The Motor Sport Research Centre at Bournemouth University  please see here 

Janet Dickinson begins work on the 6th Sense campsite app

School of Tourism lecturer Janet Dickinson has been working on a research project with other academics called The 6th Transport project and they have recently started trails of the 6th Sense campsite app.

The RCUK funded project is designed to explore new ways to bring about more sustainable transport. The research vision is to understand the extent to which behavioural change in transport habits and practices can be facilitated through the creation of a new form of ‘transport network’, based on extending social networking principles to transport users and their individual vehicles.

The campsite app puts tourists staying at the campsite into a social network that facilitates opportunities for travel collaboration. Travel collaboration might involve:

  • Picking up an item from a shop while you are there to save another visitor making a car trip. The app will alert users to this opportunity using a geofence system
  • Organising lifts to avoid car use
  • Providing travel information to avoid car trips where congestion is bad or car parks are full

The app also visualises the collective patterns of the campsite users so people get a better understanding of visitor routines to realise collaborative travel opportunities.

This tourism trial is part of a wider project with 2 other strands. The first is about improving logistics and is working with Oxfam UK to improve the efficiency of their operations. The second is working with schools to develop a real-time walking school bus app.

For more information on the project and to follow the project please see here

A year since we were all watching the Olympics!

Event Management Lecturer Debbie Sadd is undertaking a research project which involves interviewing volunteers from London 2012.

Debbie was not only a Games Maker but also a Torch Bearer for London 2012.

Although it is a year since many people volunteered at the Games, Debbie along with her colleague Dr Ana Adi from the Media School, are undertaking the huge task of capturing the volunteer stories for an oral digital archive.

With several interviews already undertaken and many more to complete, the two have begun to develop a key message already for Ana to take with her to an Olympics conference in Buenos Aires in September attended by key Olympic scholars and International Olympic Committee representatives.

If you are interested in being part of this research project please email

Barbara Neuhofer awarded ITT PhD Student of the Year Prize at ITT’s Annual Chairman’s Summer Cocktails

Last week Barbara Neuhofer was awarded the ITT PhD Student of the Year prize during the ITT’s Annual Chairman’s Summer Cocktails.

Barbara was nominated by Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, who has worked closely with Barbara in the e-Tourism lab. This is Dimitrios’ 2nd student in a row that has received the prestigious award as his PhD student Andrew Spencer was also awarded ITT PhD Student of the Year last year.

The event was held at The House of Commons and was sponsored by Dubai Tourism.

Guests were treated to a drinks reception and canapés before Dame Tessa Jowell MP presented the awards.

Barbara commented “I feel truly proud and honoured to receive this prestigious award by the Institute of Travel & Tourism. It is a great recognition for my PhD research and I am extremely grateful to Bournemouth University and to all the people who have supported me in my studies, in particular to my supervisor Prof. Dimitrios Buhalis. It was a privilege to celebrate this achievement in such a fantastic location, the House of Commons of the UK Parliament. It was a truly memorable evening for all of us.”

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Barbara’s supervisor, commented “This is a great recognition of the great progress that Barbara is doing in her PhD and the contribution to knowledge she is producing as evidenced in her publications and her community service through IFITT and other communities. I am particularly happy that this is the second student after Dr Andrew Spencer who won the ITT award last year and this is a testament to the cutting edge research we do at the eTourism Lab at Bournemouth University.”

Congratulations to Barbara on this incredible achievement!

Dr Tim Breitbarth and a final year Sports Management student win best paper at the Academy of Marketing Conference 2013

Back in early July Dr Tim Breitbarth attended the Academy of Marketing Conference 2013 hosted by the University of South Wales in Cardiff.

Tim presented the paper “Downstream indirect reciprocity: explaining and measuring consumer reactions to sport clubs’ corporate social responsibility activities” which was co-authored by himself, Dr Stefan Walzel, German Sport University, Cologne and John Bryson, final year Bournemouth University Sports Management student.

The paper won the Best Paper in the Sports Marketing track at the conference. The award was sponsored by Emerald.

The paper presented by Tim forms part of an on-going research project. The international project team for the research, led by Stefan has also just been awarded £15,000 from the prestigious UEFA Research Grant.

Congratulations to Tim, Stefan and John on this achievement.

First International Meeting UNWTO.TedQual Students’ Advisory Board

Bournemouth University will be hosting the first meeting of the UNWTO.TedQual Students’ Advisory Board from September 4th-6th 2013.

The Advisory Board has been created with the goal to learn from and share with future tourism professionals their thoughts, worries, aspirations and commitments once accessing the labour market.

To this aim, students from around the world will gather for three days in Bournemouth to share their opinion with UNWTO on two main topics: The Tourism Labour Market and how they, as future professionals, can make clear commitments to contribute to the Sustainable Development of the sector.

With this focus in mind, during the meeting, the Advisory Board will have the opportunity to speak with the employers, to participate in mock job interviews, and work on the ethics Decalogue for future professionals of the tourism sector.

We strongly hope this Students’ Advisory Board will contribute to the better development of the sector, as well as to the development of the student’s own personal and professional talents.

We will be keeping you updated with this event over the next few weeks

For more information please see here

For the programme please see here

For travel information please see here

To join the conversation on Facebook please see here

Making Waves: The International Conference on Events and 10th AEME Forum

Last week Bournemouth University School of Tourism hosted the International Conference on Events (ICE) and 10th AEME Forum.

The conference was attended by event management academics from around the world and also several key members of event management industry and associations.

The 3 day conference was opened by the Vice Chancellor of Bournemouth University John Vinney and School of Tourism Dean Keith Wilkes. They were followed by Nick de Bois MP and Chair of All Parliamentary Group who delivered a Keynote presentation on “The importance and challenges of event policy, practice and education”.

The first day continued with a Professionalisation of the Industry Panel, Key notes from Alistair Turner, PR Director of Davies Tanner; Jon Weaver, Marketing and Events Manager for Bournemouth Tourism and Professor Stephen Page from Bournemouth University, as well as several breakout sessions for academic paper presentations.

The 2nd day of the conference had a mixture of academic Keynote speeches including Don Getz and Alan Fyall and several industry Keynote speeches from Fiona Pelham, Director of Sustainable Events Ltd and Liz Sinclair, ESP Recruitment, to name a few.

The 2nd day of the conference also had lots of breakout sessions with academic presentations.

The final day of the conference hosted the 10th AEME Forum and an Association Panel hosted by Glenn Bowdin. There were also key note presentations from Professor Leo Jago, Nick Dodds, Managing Director FEI and Philip Day, NOEA.

In addition to the conference, the delegates enjoyed a packed social schedule which included welcome drinks at Aruba, a beach themed evening with dancing and ice cream at Bournemouth Pier and a Gala Dinner at Compton Acres.

As well as providing networking opportunities, the conference helped to build new and develop existing academic relationships that will be beneficial for future research and ultimately for our students.

Thank you to all you came to the conference or helped in some way to make it a success.

The ICE discussion will continue on the website and via social media. We will also be posting photos and videos and any updates on the Let’s Talk Events and Leisure website.