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MSc Tourism Management Student Mathews Lambulira wins the 2016 Pitch Challenge by Santander Bank

Santander Pitch Competition Award Presesentation 2 (1 of 1) copy

MSc Tourism Management Student Mathews Lambulira wins the 2016 Pitch Challenge by Santander Bank
The Pitch challenge is a competition for business ideas organised by Santander Bank. This year Santander invited Bournemouth University students from all programmes, both undergraduate and postgraduate to present their pitch to a panel of experts. Mathews has applied for the competition together with 29 other students. Along with 9 other students, they were then shortlisted to present their ideas to bank representatives and local business people at the AFC Bournemouth Vitality Stadium. Out of the 10 shortlisted students, Mathews and 4 other students were awarded the prize of £1000 each for their innovative business ideas.
Explaining his idea, Mathews says, ”My business idea is to develop a Central Online Reservation System for all small and medium accommodation units in Malawi for Malawian customers. The system will enable domestic travellers to locate accommodation units, compare quality and prices, and book and confirm reservations using a mobile application”.

Jobs at Bournemouth University Faculty of Management in the 2016 Academic Recruitment Campaign.


Jobs at Bournemouth University Faculty of Management in the 2016 Academic Recruitment Campaign. 

FMC62 Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management (Fixed Term)


FMC64 Lecturer in Management


FMC63 Lecturer in Project Management


FMC65 Lecturer in Leadership & Organisational Behaviour


International Conference The Visitors Economy : Strategies and Innovations – Dates for you diary 4-6 of September, 2017


International conference at the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Bournemouth University 4th  to 6th of September, 2017.


The visitor economy sector includes all activities which contribute to the visitors’ experience. At the core are the component of the tourism product such as accommodation, food, restaurants, transport and attractions. The concept however, is much broader as the economy caters for the needs to visitors and not only tourists. It embraces all activities, infrastructure, and services provided to make the experience of the visitors possible. This is a multi-billion global sector and to create a successful visitor economy, it is necessary to manage each individual component of the economy efficiently with a focus on the needs of the visitors. This makes the sector a complex one. Being a mega competitive sector, businesses involved are constantly introducing innovations to maintain their comparative advantages. The strategies and innovations are used to build in resilience in destinations and businesses to improve their international competitiveness. These may be achieved by implementing innovations leading to cost reduction, improvement in productivity, improvement in the quality of product and creation of new products or better delivery systems.

The Department of Tourism and Hospitality (DepTH) is pleased to invite experts on the visitor economy from the academia and industry to join forces and share their knowledge at our international conference at Bournemouth University.

Details to follow soon on

The themes of the conference are (but not limited to):


Coastal Tourism

Creative Economy
Crisis and Disaster Management
Economy of Tourism and Hospitality
Food, Nutrition and Well Being
Hospitality Management
ICT and Social Media
Policy, Planning and Development
Smart Tourism
Sports and Events
Tourism and Hospitality Education
Transportation Issues
Work and labour in Tourism and Hospitality


Conference Chair, Dr. Neelu Seetaram

Email contact:

Conference details on

Bournemouth University to contribute to The BHA Hospitality & Tourism Summit 2016, London 27th June


Why you should be at The Hospitality & Tourism Summit 2016 

The Hospitality & Tourism Summit will be the date to find out directly from government how we as a country will connect with Europe following the outcome of the EU referendum. 

Ministers that will be addressing the audience are:

  • The Rt Hon John Whittingdale OBE MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, DCMS
  • Fiona Hyslop MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs, Scottish Government
  • Ken Skates AM, Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure, Welsh Government

In addition Dr Andrew Sentance CBE, Senior Economic Adviser, PwC and our special guest speaker William Hague will further identify the impact to our industry and steps forward.

And Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality will be showcasing latest research on digital competence of hotels.

The programme will also address the:

  • National Living Wage
  • Disruption in our industry 
  • Capital investment
  • Nurturing customer relationships
  • Future-proofing

Over 400 attendees have confirmed their participation – click here to see who is attending. 

Registration is still open so confirm your place now.

Click here to add this event to your Outlook Calendar.

Register now only 1 week to secure your place!

Yeyen Sinarta and Malvika Nighojkar travelling with GlobalBU Bournemouth University to China

Bon Voyage to our MSc Tourism and Hospitality students Yeyen Sinarta and Malvika Nighojkar  travelling with GlobalBU Bournemouth University students to China for #DestinationChina  #StudyAbroad  for BU Global Festival of Learning. They will have a full programme of activities and they will also assist the organisation of the Global Festival of Learning activities in China.


They arrived safely in 35 degree Beijing and went straight to Tiananmen Square & Forbidden City and then at the Great Wall of China !!!! ‪#‎destinationchina‬ ‪#‎globalBU‬ ‪#‎BUproud‬ china1





Destination China programme

The programme offers an exciting mix of visits and lectures giving important insights into contemporary Chinese society, economy, politics, and culture, and the rapid transformation China has experienced over recent decades. You’ll also learn about life on a Chinese university campus and the experiences of Chinese students as innovators and entrepreneurs. They will meet high-profile businesses leading the way in China’s economic boom and visit major sites in Beijing and Shanghai. Finally you’ll learn some basic Mandarin Chinese and will get a chance to practice their new language skills while out and about.

This is a wonderful opportunity to gain a well-rounded impression of contemporary China, its culture and business environment. Interactive group learning and practical activities will develop their team working, communication and problem solving skills. They will also develop your cross cultural skills through interactions with SIAS staff and students. The skills developed through this immersion and learning experience in another culture will make them stand out as Global Talent in today’s competitive workforce.

Professor Heather Hartwell explains to Horizons, the European Commission Magazine : ‘The moment you eat out you don’t have a clue about what you are eating.’

Professor Heather Hartwell explains to Horizons, the European Commission Magazine : ‘The moment you eat out you don’t have a clue about what you are eating.’

Researchers from the FoodSMART programme, funded with a Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant, are working with meal providers, especially in work canteens, to find a way of processing a mass of data about their dishes — not just their calorie counts but also their food miles, provenance and a host of nutritional information.

So when you are stumped about whether the mozzarella panini or the chicken korma better fits your needs, you will have the answer at the touch of a button, as the app will already know what’s important to you and will have data, courtesy of the food provider, that is specific to the dishes on offer.

Professor Heather Hartwell, a nutritionist who coordinates the programme from Bournemouth University, UK, said: ‘The moment you eat out you don’t have a clue about what you are eating.’

She envisages walking into the work canteen and seeing the top three most suitable dishes highlighted on your smartphone. As many people eat in such canteens daily, there could be a sustained effect on people’s diets, she believes. The app will be tested in the first work canteen — the Institut Paul Bocuse, in France — this September.

#BUProud our Professional Practice Team have all successfully completed their Level 3 Chartered Institute for Environmental Health Food Safety Certificate –and all with a merit pass.

#BUProud our Professional Practice Team have all successfully completed their Level 3 Chartered Institute for Environmental Health Food Safety Certificate –and all with a merit pass.


Congratulations to the department’s hospitality professional practice team. Always ensuring they are up to date and leading best practice within the hospitality undergraduate degree. From left to right Audrey, Julie, David, Maggie and Prem.

We are recruiting! Senior Lecturer (Academic) in Tourism Marketing / Management (Fixed Term – Maternity Cover)

We are recruiting !  Senior Lecturer (Academic) in Tourism Marketing / Management (Fixed Term – Maternity Cover) Bournemouth_University_logo.svg

Salary:Starting salary from £38,896 – £46,414 per annum with further progression opportunities to £50,702

Date advertised:Monday, June 13, 2016

Closing date:Wednesday, July 13, 2016 – midnight

Please quote reference:FMG62

At Bournemouth University our vision is to create a stimulating, challenging and rewarding university experience in a world-class learning community, through sharing a unique fusion of education, research and professional practice and inspiring our students and staff to enrich the world.

The Department of Tourism & Hospitality, located in the Faculty of Management at Bournemouth University, is a new Department, signalling investment and growth, and that builds upon Bournemouth’s existing excellence and global reputation for combining research, practice and teaching in tourism and hospitality.

As Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management you will be expected to strengthen the Department’s position as a high-level research institution in joining an active and productive group of scholars whose work coalesces around the interdisciplinary understanding of tourism and hospitality. You will also engage in attracting external grant funding, knowledge transfer, continuous professional development, consultancy and other forms of external engagement and professional practice, as appropriate.

Enthusiastic about student-centred pedagogy, you will contribute to education delivery, including programme management as required, across the range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. You will also make a significant contribution to employability, and professional engagement with relevant internal and external organisations, at a regional, national and international level.

You will be qualified to Doctorate level or be able to demonstrate the ability to create and disseminate knowledge at an equivalent level and the capability to convert this knowledge into a doctorate in a maximum of 3-5 years from the date of appointment. You will be research active and committed to a culture of academic excellence and continuous improvement.

For further information and discussion or the opportunity for an informal visit, please contact Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Head of Department by email on

This post is available for up to 12 months on a fixed-term contract or secondment basis to provide maternity cover for an established member of staff. If you wish to be considered as an internal secondment you must speak to your line manager first.

Yuchun Liu from Taiwan received an Academic Excellence Scholarship to study MSc in Tourism Management


My name is Yuchun Liu, I am 25 years old and I come from Taiwan. I was automatically awarded the Academic Excellence Scholarship,which at the time was worth £1,000 (it is now worth £3,500 from 2016!) off my tuition. Since the scholarship was “automatic”, it surprised me when I first read my tuition fee note and found that I had automatically received it!

Bournemouth University was always my first choice for studying Tourism at Master’s level, so when I began to undertake my research on BU scholarships through the internet I discovered this would be my main option. The PG Academic Excellence Scholarship is automatically awarded after BU receives the report card with the last academic year grade from new students. In other words, the scholarship all depended on my undergraduate course marks.

In order to receive it, I worked hard to maintain my grade in the final year of my Bachelor’s degree, and I was very glad my efforts paid off. For me, the scholarship is more than just a financial support to my family. It also makes me feel good that I made a little contribution to my parents, especially for their kindness of paying my living and education fees while abroad.

YuchunTalking about the school life in BU, I will be honest and say that I have found the course to be difficult. Especially as my first degree in Taiwan was English Linguistics and Literature and now I am studying Tourism Management and Planning; it took me lots and lots of time to do the research and understand the concepts of this new subject. However, I am enjoying what I am doing! Especially in the second term, I’ve learned so much about sustainable tourism planning and management from environmental, social and economic approaches. I can feel that I’m gaining knowledge every time I attend a lecture, and I know there’s much more out there waiting for me to dig out. Which makes things more exciting, and I can’t wait to test my capability in my future career.

During my stay in Bournemouth, my life has not just been about studying. I’ve also participated as a Chinese conversation facilitator in the BU language centre, a volunteer in Dorset’s Disability Charity, a member of the Postgraduate Development Award, a player for a social basketball team once a week, and the thing that one should never miss, is the social life with international friends after the lectures. With my good friends, we’ve discovered all kinds of food and drink in Bournemouth town centre. And the time spent with them just makes studying abroad easier.

By Yuchun Liu, MSc Sustainable Tourism Planning

我的名字叫劉宥均,今年25歲,來自台灣。2014年入學時獲得PG Academic Excellence 獎學金。因為這筆獎學金是Bournemouth University依據新生在大學的校內成績 (包含最後一學年) 而自動頒發,所以一開始在入學通知的學費上發現獲得1000英鎊 (2014年起為3000英鎊!)的學費減免時給了我不少驚喜。

Bournemouth University 一直是我在英國念觀光研究所的第一選擇,所以一開始調查學校資料時也找了關於獎學金的資訊。在發現PG Academic Excellence獎學金是我唯一有資格申請的獎學金後,我很努力維持自己在大學的成績,也很高興我的努力有了回報。對我而言這筆獎學金不只是對家裡經濟上的支援,也代表自己對家裡微薄的貢獻,可以多少減輕父母的負擔,尤其是當我的父母在經濟上的無償支援我的學業時,能盡這一點微薄之力讓我感到很開心。

聊到在BU的課業生活,老實說在這裡的課業讓我感到很吃緊。尤其是我在台灣的大學主修是外國語文學系,著重在語言學和文學方面,所以來到英國念觀光系時,課堂內所教的內容和知識都與我以往所學相差甚遠,幾乎是從頭開始學起,所以我花了很多的時間在查詢和學習觀光產業相關的知識和概念。但即便很辛苦,我對於我現在所學的內容卻相當樂在其中!  尤其是在第二學期之後,我學到了很多如何在經濟、生態、和社會環境方面的考量之下,來永續經營和規畫觀光產業。每一堂課的課程在結束時都讓我覺得自己又學到了新的東西,也了解自己還有多少不足之處,種種這些都讓我對於自己未來的職業產生了躍躍欲試的想法,希望能有機會將自己所學實踐在工作之中。

當然在學校的生活不只是唸書而已,這一年下來我也參加了不少活動,包含在BU 語言中心擔任口語會話老師,在Dorset’s Disability Charity (多賽特傷殘慈善) 擔任志工,參加Postgraduate Development Award( 研究生發展獎),每星期固定在學校的籃球社打球,還有出國在外最不能錯過的就是和外國朋友一起出去吃飯喝酒玩樂。有了這些好朋友,挖掘市中心的餐廳和酒吧變成一件趣事和消遣,也因為有了他們,大大減輕了我一人在國外唸書的辛苦。