
School of Tourism showcases its CPD Programme at the Hotel and Catering Show 2013

Last week Bournemouth University School of Tourism showcased it’s CPD Programme at the Hotel and Catering Show 2013. As well as exhibitions from companies in the hospitality industry, the show also included live food demonstrations from some prestigious chefs and restaurants. The School of Tourism were there to showcase their CPD programme. Keith Hayman, BU’s… Read more » about School of Tourism showcases its CPD Programme at the Hotel and Catering Show 2013

Invitation to attend the Bournemouth University and Macau IFT Video Conference on the 21st March

On the 21st March, Bournemouth University will be hosting its annual video conference with Macau IFT. This year’s conference has the topic of World Heritage. The conference will be held in PG146 on Talbot Campus from 9.00am to 12.00pm The conference is opne to all students and aims to enhance the academic exchange between IFT… Read more » about Invitation to attend the Bournemouth University and Macau IFT Video Conference on the 21st March

Student event raises over £3,500 for the Poole Africa Link

 On Friday 22 March 2013,  five Bournemouth University Event Management students successfully organised a wonderful evening full of food, music, dance and fundraising at The Haven Hotel, Sandbanks. The black tie dinner and auction was in aid of the locally based charity, Poole Africa Link, who send out doctors and nurses to the Wau district… Read more » about Student event raises over £3,500 for the Poole Africa Link

Final Year Students take on the High Ropes as part of the STEEP Programme

This week 20 final year students went to Avon Tyrrell to undertake high ropes activities, archery and pioneering as part of the STEEP programme. The student’s first had to take part in the high ropes challenge where they were kitted out with helmets and harnesses before they scaled the trees. The students had to complete… Read more » about Final Year Students take on the High Ropes as part of the STEEP Programme

UG-PG Review

This week the School was involved in the Periodic Review of all its Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes which involves academics from other universities and representatives from all the industry sectors covered by the School. Following an excellent event involving staff and students 6-year approval was awarded to all School Programmes. Particular thanks must go to… Read more » about UG-PG Review

Event Management Students Dragon’s Den Event becomes a reality at the Captain’s Club Hotel

On February 17th, the Captain’s Club Hotel in Christchurch hosted an event that had originally been an idea of 4 Bournemouth University Event Management students. Last year, the students, Oliver Jones, Takara Patrick, Joanna Mitchell and Michael-Aaron Loftus, had to pitch a new event idea to the Captain’s Club in a Dragon’s Den style presentation… Read more » about Event Management Students Dragon’s Den Event becomes a reality at the Captain’s Club Hotel

Bournemouth University visits Nepal

Four senior academics from Bournemouth University are on an official three-day visit to Nepal during February 26-28. They are: Prof. Dr. Holger Schutkowski, Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor of Bournemouth University and Deputy Dean of the School of Applied Sciences, Dr. Richard Shipway, Associate Dean: International Engagement in the School of Tourism, Prof Dr. Edwin van Teijlingen,… Read more » about Bournemouth University visits Nepal

Barbara Neuhofer presents at the CAUTHE Conference 2013

PhD Researcher, Barbara Neuhofer has just returned from presenting at the CAUTHE Conference 2013 in Christchurch, New Zealand. Barbara presented her paper that she co-authored with Professor Dimitrios Buhalis and Professor Adele Ladkin, titled “Experiences, Co-creation and Technology: A conceptual approach to enhance tourism experiences” at the conference. Back in November, Barbara was awarded the… Read more » about Barbara Neuhofer presents at the CAUTHE Conference 2013

Final Year Students learn basic first aid as part of the STEEP Programme

Last week, 30 final year students got the opportunity to learn first aid as part of the STEEP programme. The students were trained by the Ouch Training Team. Ouch training was created at the beginning of the 21st century. They offer fun and flexible first aid training across the UK. The students were trained in… Read more » about Final Year Students learn basic first aid as part of the STEEP Programme