It’s an unfortunate stereotype that students often live on baked beans, instant noodles and tap water, but it’s often not far from the truth. So it’s a silver lining to hear about all the various wonderful student discounts out there that help to make being a student a little less grubby and a little more… Read more » about Making the most of student discounts
Words of wisdom
Now that I’m a second year student and I successfully conquered my first year at university, I feel like the headmaster of Hogwarts from Harry Potter – very old and very wise! But everyone, at first, feels clueless and not so wise, so here are some things I wish someone had told me before I… Read more » about Words of wisdom
What can you get for the price of a phone contract?
It seems nowadays student loans and fees have become a taboo subject. With figures and interest rates being thrown about it can seem daunting to apply for loans, which for many is the first time they have ever needed to apply for financial aid. But there really isn’t much to worry about; there are numerous… Read more » about What can you get for the price of a phone contract?
The BU Academic Excellence Scholarship
I’m going to be talking about the BU Academic Excellence Scholarship. It’s a scholarship worth £1,500 that’s given out to all students who achieve ABB or above at A-level or Distinction, Distinction, Merit or above in BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma. (As always, do check the terms and conditions!) There’s an unlimited amount of scholarships… Read more » about The BU Academic Excellence Scholarship
Scholarships: how they apply to you, without you having to apply for them!
Lowri Roberts talks about scholarships at Bournemouth University and how she no longer has any postgraduate funding worries… Here at BU, they do all they can to help you, whether it’s advice on your work, accommodation or with your finances. One of the most daunting aspects of postgraduate study for many of us is the… Read more » about Scholarships: how they apply to you, without you having to apply for them!
How I funded my Master’s Degree
I find it very difficult to talk about money. Whether it’s a matter of pride, or wanting to remain independent, money can be a sticky subject to tackle. When I decided to embark on a Master’s degree I wasn’t 100% sure how it would be affordable. After weeks of searching online I found some possible… Read more » about How I funded my Master’s Degree
Money Saving Tips
By Michelle Lillywhite 2nd year BU Student, BA (Hons) Social Work Ok! So you have limited funds but a whole term’s worth of fun ahead of you. How do you make sure you get to the safety of the next finance payment? Hopefully the tips ahead will keep you ahead of the crowd! Going out… Read more » about Money Saving Tips
Part Time Work at University
By Leroy-Winston Scott 3rd year BU student, BA (Hons) Events Management We are all aware of the jokes that students can’t afford food, or that it is a very poor lifestyle. These jokes are true, we do have to learn how to budget and how to maintain a flow of finances that will allow us… Read more » about Part Time Work at University
Budgeting Blues
By Sophie Wheeler 1st year BU student, BA (Hons) Scriptwriting for Film and TV A common assumption surrounding students is that we are constantly broke and living off a diet of baked beans and tesco value vodka. And although for some, this may be a reality, it certainly doesn’t have to be. Living on a… Read more » about Budgeting Blues
Applying for finance
By Michelle Lillywhite 2nd year BU Student, BA (Hons) Social Work Now that UCAS has been completed you need to think about student finance and making your application. The great thing about this is that you can get your finance agreed before you have accepted a place to study so you can get yourself organised… Read more » about Applying for finance