Visiting Bournemouth University during the festive period? Looking for a place to take your family and friends for a fun day out? Well look no further than the Bournemouth Christmas Market! Here’s a short video, taking you on a brief tour of all the wonderful things the town’s holiday hub has to offer! … Read more » about The Bournemouth Christmas Market
How I prepare for Christmas
In this video, I talk about what I do to prepare for Christmas while studying at BU.
My volunteering story
Find out about my volunteering adventure with BU, including my trek up Mount Kilimanjaro!
How to Meet People at BU
1. Join Clubs Join as many clubs and societies as your little heart desires. It’s a great way to branch out and try something new with people who are like-minded and interested in the same thing as you. There are clubs for everything and if you can’t find one that you like, then just create… Read more » about How to Meet People at BU
Why you will love Bournemouth
Moving away from home can be a very daunting experience, especially if it is your first time and you have no idea what kind of environment you’d want to live in. I have lived in Bournemouth for over a year now and so I can tell you few reasons why you will also love it… Read more » about Why you will love Bournemouth
Why I chose BU
Hey! Thanks for clicking on this Vlog thing! Today, I’m talking about why I chose to go to Bournemouth university twice!
Katrina’s Clearing story
It’s easy to feel like you have lost all chances of pursing your dreams when you’re rejected from all of your chosen universities on results day. There will be plenty of thoughts running through your mind, ‘I’m sure I aced that exam,’ ‘Surely they marked it wrong,’ ‘No university will accept these grades’. But you… Read more » about Katrina’s Clearing story
City life to seaside life
Growing up in London all my life, I knew that I wanted to move away from the big city for university! Bournemouth was my first choice, what with its vibrant student hot spots and sandy beaches! All I knew was the big city and the thought of moving somewhere a lot smaller was a little… Read more » about City life to seaside life
Why meeting people isn’t as scary as it seems
As cliché as it sounds, everyone is in the same position. People you share a flat with, those on your course, and the person you sit behind on the uni bus, are all embarking on this exciting journey together in a completely new city! Trust me, after a couple of weeks you’ll feel right… Read more » about Why meeting people isn’t as scary as it seems
Why I’m glad I chose Bournemouth University for my Master’s
Are you wondering where to study your Master’s degree? Here are a few of the reasons why I’m glad I chose Bournemouth University for mine… Fees, Funding and Expenses Bournemouth University offers a wide range of scholarships that can be seen as a lifesaver for lots of students, especially, to those from developing countries. Also, the accommodation and living expenses in Bournemouth… Read more » about Why I’m glad I chose Bournemouth University for my Master’s
How your parents can prepare for your uni experience
Whether you’re the first son/daughter to leave, or the second or third, each time will be difficult for your parents, so here’s a few things to do together to make the transition easier! Visiting the University together Bournemouth has lots of Open Days and applicant days leading up to when you finally move here! It… Read more » about How your parents can prepare for your uni experience
Summer in Bournemouth
This will be my second summer in Bournemouth so I thought I would share some ideas for things to do!