Although we can’t head to the beach right now (unless we live close by and it’s our 1 walk of the day), here’s a reminder of what we have to look forward to in the near future! Current student Hussein takes us on a stroll down to Bournemouth beach. When my course gets busy with... Read more » about Bournemouth Beach
Each year Bournemouth Universities sports teams and societies join up to compete and raise money in BU Come Dancing for the Space Youth Project. This project helps run regular youth groups across Dorset for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and questioning young people. This was BU Come Dancing’s biggest and best year all-round! Check out the highlights... Read more » about BU Come Dancing 2020
Bournemouth beach
Although we can’t head to the beach right now (unless we live close by and it’s our 1 walk of the day), here’s a reminder of what we have to look forward to in the near future! Current student Hussein takes us on a stroll down to Bournemouth beach. When my course gets busy with... Read more » about Bournemouth beach
During times when our physical health is at risk, way too many people neglect their mental health. Keeping a healthy mind is just as important as staying healthy. So I’ve compiled some tips on how to stay as positive and healthy as can be. Enjoy!
  Hello! This is a vlog of my adventures to places that’s outside (but still nearby) Bournemouth. Including some tips for you to save money with travel cost. Enjoy! xx
Hiya, Today I’m going to give you some easy and cheap recipes you can try to help improve your culinary skills. At the beginning of uni I was useless in the kitchen, I had no clue how to even fry an egg! However, with a bit of practice I’ve taught myself to cook a variety... Read more » about 5 Easy Recipes To Take You From Microwave Meals to MasterChef
During this time of physical distancing, it’s important to keep in touch and stay connected to your friends and family, both in and out of the household you are distancing in. As there are both students who have gone back home to live with their family and left behind their uni friends, and students who... Read more » about How to stay connected while physical distancing
Hello everyone! Choosing what accommodation to go to can be a tough decision, especially if you are not able to attend an Open Day or view any in person. In this video, I’ll walk you around Purbeck House and its surroundings, as well as tell you a bit more about its facilities and location, and... Read more » about Purbeck House Video Tour!
The NCCA is known for animation, but which course is right for you? I explain why I love my course and the reasons why I love studying at BU.  
If you were wondering whether Dorchester House is the BU Halls for you, find out more in my vlog below. I hope you find the video useful.
Sharing what I do in a day as an undergraduate student at Bournemouth Uni.
Watch mine and Megan’s video on how to budget your student finance. We cover topics including food shopping, travel, university resources and treating yourself! Watch to also find out some helpful apps that you can use for deals and discounts with your favourite brands.