Hello! In this vlog, I’d like to share with you guys my daily life of fasting here at Bournemouth 😊 Have a nice day! Ayra H.

Hello! In this vlog, I’d like to share with you guys my daily life of fasting here at Bournemouth 😊 Have a nice day! Ayra H.
As the first semester of my first year at BU comes to a close, I thought I’d tell you all about my experience taking Television Production and how much I’m loving it! Emily 🙂
Psychology student Betty and English student Lily run through their Clearing experiences and the emotions that come with it!
Nura is now in her 2nd year at BU studying Anthropology and would like to share her thoughts on the hidden benefits of coming through Clearing.
Sometimes in life we have to take alternative routes to get where we want to. Clearing is sort of like an alternative route to get into university. I know a lot of people get scared at the idea of going through clearing but honestly, it’s not that scary at all. Listen to my story: Shaay… Read more » about My journey through Clearing!
2nd year Finance and Business student Grace talks us through her Clearing experience.
Josie Hagan studies archaeology at Bournemouth University and is currently on placement at New Forest National Park. In her #MyPlacementStory she tells us what she’s been up to so far and the skills she’s developing along the way.
Hi all, my name is Roberta and I’m from Brazil. I’m currently studying MSc Biological Anthropology here at Bournemouth University and I’m as happy as I could be! When I found out about this course I was really excited. There is nothing like that in Brazil and, at the same time, it has everything that… Read more » about Why study Biological Anthropology at BU?
Hey everyone, my name is Roberta and I’m in Bournemouth for my MSc Biological Anthropology. I’m from Brazil and as many of you may know, it’s a huge country with many different types of food and flavours, depending on the region you live in. When I arrived at Bournemouth, I was very curious about what… Read more » about Eating in Bournemouth
Hi! My name is JC and I’m doing an MSc in Maritime Archaeology at BU. I’m currently living in Corfe House, student accommodation based in Poole. Corfe house is run by Unite-student. Location! Location! Location! Corfe house is located right beside Aldi supermarket. From my window, I can see the coach station, which makes travelling… Read more » about Living in Corfe House