My advice to you – what I wish I had known before starting university

Before beginning life at Bournemouth University, there were a few things I wasn’t prepared enough for. When you first view your timetable, you might not be at uni a lot of the week. This time is to ensure you can complete the reading that is required for your course. Make sure you leave enough space… Read more » about My advice to you – what I wish I had known before starting university

Day in my life writing my dissertation

Spend the day with me writing my dissertation

Hey guys, I’m Lily and in this vlog, I take you with me to write my dissertation as a TV Production student! A few real day in my life when studying as a final year at uni! I also talk through my dissertation topic which may be interesting to you if you’re considering TV Production… Read more » about Spend the day with me writing my dissertation

My experience during Alumni Fest

Thinking about life after uni can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. The transition from being with friends all day and night with the occasional lecture in between to the professional world comes with its own set of challenges and triumphs. Recently, Bournemouth University held ‘Alumni Fest’ an insightful event where previous graduates from Bournemouth came… Read more » about My experience during Alumni Fest

James and friends with media equipment taking selfie

A mature fish out of water – my undergrad experience as a mature student

If you’re anything like me, you find yourself watching a video for a moment too long on social media, and suddenly you are part of that algorithm… for me, it was Gary Vaynerchuck, better known on his socials as Gary Vee. Before I knew it, I was being screamed at in a high-pitched voice about… Read more » about A mature fish out of water – my undergrad experience as a mature student

Kristian smiles at the camera, he's sitting in front of a large window

How the Business School’s Employability Programme helped me in interviews

Kristian studied Business & Management with Project & Operations Management at BU, and maximised the learning opportunities on offer within the Business School during his studies. He attended many of the Business School Employability Programme sessions and shares in his vlog how it helped him at interviews when finding a graduate position.  

CMAE Student Award winner Joe Evans.

Award-winning Sports student on life at BU

Joseph Evans recently graduated from BSc Sports Psychology and Coaching Sciences (now BSc Sport Coaching). In recognition of his achievements, Joseph was awarded the Club Management Association of Europe (CMAE) Student Award. We caught up with him to find out how he found his experience of studying at BU and what he plans to do… Read more » about Award-winning Sports student on life at BU

BU Law student, Susie smiles at the camera in a selfie style photo. Her auburn hair is long, draped over her shoulders. She wears a grey roll neck jumper.

Susie’s experience as a BU Law student

I live locally so it was an easy choice to make studying at Bournemouth University. Coupled with Bournemouth being ranked number 3 in the 2024 Complete University Guide for graduate prospects, it was an easy decision. The university works closely with local law firms, creating a great foundation for students at BU to pursue a… Read more » about Susie’s experience as a BU Law student

Representing BU at the IMechE challenge

Jacob Whitelegg is a Mechanical Engineering graduate who took part in the IMechE challenge this year, representing Bournemouth University. In his guest blog, he reflects on the challenge and his time as a student. Tell us about the IMechE challenge. What did you do? I was part of Bournemouth University’s “2nd” year team, known as… Read more » about Representing BU at the IMechE challenge

My Hackathon event experience

During my reading week in the first semester of my second year of studies, I participated in the Bournemouth University X ClickASnap & Teemill Hackathon event, run by the Computing and Informatics department! This was the second Hackathon event I have taken part in, and these events were open to all students within both the… Read more » about My Hackathon event experience

Life as a final year Computing student

BSc (Hons) Business Information Technology student Zayn Mehrali is in his final year of the course. He recently took part in a poster event for final-year computing students, during which students had the opportunity to showcase their projects and get feedback from academics to help them progress their ideas. In his guest blog, he talks… Read more » about Life as a final year Computing student


Everything you need to know about studying Criminology at BU

Studying a Criminology degree at Bournemouth University will broaden your perspective on numerous different topics such as; Terrorism, Modern Slavery, and Organised Crime. During your degree you have opportunities to study abroad, do a variety of work placements, and develop a research-based project surrounding a topic that interests you. Year 1: At Bournemouth University, the… Read more » about Everything you need to know about studying Criminology at BU